Ty Chermsirivatana
Current Event 6
Boston University School of Medicine. "Sample preparation in forensic toxicological analysis may have huge impacts." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 July 2021. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210708111505.htm>.
Article: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210708111505.htm
For this current event, I decided to do an interesting article about how Sample Preparation in Forensic Toxicology can lead to huge improvements in its field. Researchers at BUSM (Boston University School of Medicine) provided Science Daily with an overview of sample techniques and information on routine sample types which may be encountered in Forensic Toxicology cases. Forensic Toxicology spans over a wide variety of scenarios from drugs-induced/impacted cases to the use or presence of alcohol in Forensics. These samples provided by BUSM will be able to help Forensic Toxicologists be able to identify samples of drugs / foreign substances in cases.
In regards to the importances to not only Forensic Toxicology but the field of Forensic Science is the quicker lab testing time and response time. In a Forensic Case where certain pieces of evidence can decay and time is of the utmost importance, being able to identify which substances are in play in the context of a case is key. These samples will allow Forensic Toxicologists in the field to be able to identify, mark and counteract substances found at the scene of an incident.
In a brief overview, the article gave an insightful and descriptive look into the world of Forensic Toxicology. This article is an example that even in today’s world, Forensic Technicians are still finding new ways to diagnose and analyze all types of data at any scale. In the world of Forensic toxicology, the technicians will be able to compare sample substances to those found at the scene allowing them to quickly identify evidence on a massive scale and again, it’s a nod to the marvels in technological advancements made since Orfelia first ignited the world of Forensic Toxicology into reality.