Another perk to these new pieces of technology is that the prisoner is responsible for paying the price of the anklet and if they fail to do so, they will remain in jail. This method of financing the project prevents the taxpayers from loosing money.
In addition to new GPS anklets, the Total Court Services has just came out with alcohol monitoring anklets that regester the amount of alcohol is present in ones sweat. Anklets such as this are used to prevent DUI, abuse, and any other alcohol related crimes. Information on the prisoner's sweat level must then be uploaded onto a computer and sent to a agency called SCRAM that monitors the individuals blood alcohol level.
However, for people such as sex offenders, the Probation Department uses technologies such as cameras and other monitoring systems to strategically watch their house, office, or any other place of frequent use. The new technology of satellite tracking is also a very successful tool used by the Probation department to track sex offenders.
Thanks to new technologies such as these anklets, many of the 780 gangs in San Bernardino County are being monitored and the violence caused by gang activity has drastically declined. In addition, over 1,500 warrants have been set up for prisoners who did not follow the judges orders and became fugitives because all there actions were documented from their anklets.
Three aspects that were well presented, were the way he described the technology, the way the technology will be implemented, and also how this tracking device has been used already. The review was pretty good, but two suggestions would be to say how the tracking devices were put on the criminals ankle, is it an injected chip or collar around his leg, also he could have explained what the old technology that is currently being used is, and what its disadvantages are. Overall I was impressed with the well put description of this new technology, and how it effectively told the reader about its advantages.
What I find particularly interesting about this article is the way in which the author presents the information; he describes the technology, methods as to how the technology will be used, and how we are already making use of a few particular gadgets (i.e. anklets). Overall, this is a great review; my only recommendation is to maybe discuss the obsolete technology and explain why the improvements were made or necessary. It's also really impressive to see that the government is trying to figure out more creative ways to fund this technology.
Three aspects of the review that were particularly well presented, were, the way that the article was paraphrased, the amount of facts that were presented, and level of interest and relevance of the article. I think that maybe there is too much information and it’s somewhat overwhelming and also, register was spelled wrong in the third paragraph. I was impressed how many warrants have been set up for prisoners who didn’t follow the judges orders because of these anklets.
This article is one of the most interesting articles I've read. I knew there were ankle bracelets to track people by GPS but I did not know there was alcohol monitoring anklets that registered the amount of alcohol present in ones sweat. This proves the amount of effort is taken upon our technology system to come up with these creative ideas to help keep the country safe.
Max, good job describing the technology. I also enjoyed learning about how they would be implemented to stop certain gangs. I didnt know these ankle braces were already put into effect until now. Two suggestions would be to describe how these braces are put on, and why these people deserve to have them on. I found it interesting how fantastic the technology is that it can determine if the person has been drinking due to alcohol monitering in sweat.
Max had several good aspects but three of them would be the way he described in detail all of the technology, he knew the information that he read about knew a lot of facts, and also they way he wrote it made it easy to understand and interesting. Some suggestions would be to make it sound a little less intense and paraphrase it in simpler form and explain how the devices are put on the criminals but other then that i thought this article was very interesting and he gave a great description of what the article was trying to get across.
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