Geographic profiling works on the location of a crime scene that can provide the police with vital information. it works in similar ways to psychological profiles assesses and predicts suspect;s place of living, work, social venues and travel. Kim Rossmo developed the geographic profiling. she says it refers to “ hot spots”. locations where crimes happen are not completely random. they often have a degree of underlying spatial structure. In the case of a serial rapist, for example, Rossmo used 79 of the more than 100 crime scenes and came up with a red dot on his computerized map that turned out to be the very spot to where the man lured his victims his basement. Two key elements in geographic profiling are, first, the idea that there is a difference between perceived distance and actual distance, and that certain things influence how this disparity can affect the commission of a crime i.e. availability of transport, roadworks, bridges. This helps predict criminal behavior which can be very helpful in the future.
This was a well written article. Not only did it provide to the point information it was something i was unaware of as well. What it could have used was a bit more detail on how exactly it works but it was great that you included an example.
I think this was a very well written summary. I thought that you used a good example of what is going on in this current event and developed the article into a nice succinct paragraph. I think you could have expanded on the technique of finding the "hot spots" and also could have said one more example on how this geographic profiling worked. I learned that through the consistency of crimes around one location, a person can find the general area of where the crime begins or is started.
I thought you did a great job summarizing the article. I also liked that you used a specific example of a case that used geographic profiling, and I liked that you included details such as the factors that affect the profiling as well. To improve, you could have expanded on the idea of hot spots, and could have explained how the computerized map and finding the location of the criminal worked. I did not know about geographic profiling before.
I have never fully understood the idea of using statistics to predict where a crime scene could be located, to me these seem like chance encounters. I find it very interesting that you can predict these things, based on certain factors. The person coudl have added more examples of this "hot spot" technology. This entire idea is very new to me.
This was a very well written summary of the article. it included more than enough information on the topic. i thought you could have expanded the idea on the technique but very well written.
This was a very well written article. I thought sreat job she did a job in summarizing the article. I would have liked to learned a little bit more about how they are actually able to find a criminal. This was an educational and enjoyable read.
This article was very well written. It was great how it fed so much valuable information in such a short summary. The way that the hotspots were discovered could have made it a more interesting article, but overall this was educational and helped in our learning of forensics.
This was a very interesting article. The fact that you used an actual case that used geographic profiling made it seem more real and how exactly forensic scientists use it in the real world. I have never heard about this before so it was enjoyable to learn about. Good job.
This was a very well written and interesting summary. This new technique of using hot spots to determine where crimes are committed, is a very interesting method that had come from the observation that crimes happen in certain places for a reason. The process could have been more thoroughly described. I would also be curious to how this technique can be applied in different areas across the country, and if it is reasonable to use in most crime investigations. Overall this was a good article.
This was a really interesting article! good choice
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