Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Non-Lethal Child Physical Abuse

Banheiro R, Pereira EC, Pereira CP (2015) Injuries of Non-Lethal Child Physical Abuse to the Crania and Orofacial Regions: A Scientific Review. J Forensic Res 6:285. doi: 10.4172/2157-7145.1000285
The article I read was about Injuries of Non-Lethal Child Physical Abuse and how to detect it. It describes how dentists should be able to recognize the indicators of injury by maltreatment. You can see signs from external lesions of the head or neck or intraoral lesions. It had been concluded through a gather of scientific research that there would be scientific evidence of maltreatment form the oral cavity, head and neck regions that could have possible injuries by maltreatment of children or young children. It describes how child abuse and neglect is a failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which could lead to physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, or prevailing four main forms of child abuse: physical, sexual, emotional abuse, and neglect. This article describes ways that are forms of physical abuse. SBS, shaken baby syndrome, is a form of abuse where a baby is shaken so hard that it kills them or leaves long term health and development issues. It leads to traumatic brain injury and disabilities such as seizures, spasticity, blindness, and mental retardation. Changes in behavior are typically signs of abuse.
The article is very important because it teaches people how to see the signs of abuse within children or adults. There are a lot of kids who are afraid to speak up about what is going on, but there are so many signs of seeing what is happening. There is an ad in New York City that I saw over the weekend and it was a little girl looking out and she looked like a normal girl. SHe had on a pink shirt with jean pants. She wasn’t smiling and her hair were in nice pigtails. That was from the front view. Then when I started to walk closer to it, a black and purple eye had showed up, cuts and scratches all over her face, her pants and shirts were ripped, her hair was a mess, and she was crying. I asked my very tall brother if he had seen what I saw in the ad, and he said he just saw a girl. I later found out that this ad was made for children that are short. It is an ad for kids to speak up and call for help without the abuser knowing. This article is about how you can see signs of abuse within adults or children.

One of the strengths of this article is that it describes how to notice signs of abuse very clearly even if you are a dentist. It talks about some forms of abuse which I didn’t even know of. One form of abuse was lesions in the back of the head or neck. Some weaknesses that I found in the article was that it didn’t describe scenarios about what would be happening when the abuse was taken place or what goes through an abusers head to abuse someone. I think that it should have been stronger in the area of describing percentages of ages that are abused more frequently and giving ways to stop the abuse.
Posted for G. DiMinno


Anonymous said...

First off, I think you did a really good job summarizing this information and providing details on this topic.
I am glad to see that there are signs that can identify child abuse or any other sort of abuse, if people are too afraid to speak up. I found it interesting that one can detect maltreatment just from the head, neck or intraoral lesions. I would have never imagined that a dentist can detect these signs from oral cavity, head and neck regions. It would've been helpful to know why these parts of the body help these medical examiners recognize signs of abuse.
I was shocked to read that blindness and seizures were one of the side effects.

One way I believe this this review could have been improved, is if you went a little more in depth on how dentist and medical examiners investigate these signs of abuse. Also you could have added another example of a physical abuse case in addition to the topic of shaking baby syndrome.
I think this article is very significant and a good source to spread awareness for people that get abused and don't speak up about it. However like you mentioned in your review, it would be nice to know when these dentists find the signs of abuse, if they can specify how long the bruises have been there for, how severe they may be or even how old they are.

Anonymous said...

I love how added the point about the ad that you saw. It was nice to make that personal connection to the end and brought the point home. I would like to have heard a little bit more about what you personally thought about the problem the article addresses, rather than just what you thought of the article itself.
I also enjoyed how you summarized the article and clearly highlighted the key points. I got excited how you started going further into the dentistry piece, I would have loved to have heard more about that as well as how to detect the other aspects of abuse you highlighted for us in the beginning.
I thought this article was very interesting. I love SVU and this definitely reminded me of it. I know I already talked about how I liked your note of the ad, but I still think that was so cool. Not just your introduction of it, but the ad itself. Such a cool idea of how to give confidence and hope into children who feel voiceless.
I thought the malnourishment thing was interesting as well. It makes a lot of sense that a dentist could see that, but I wonder if the children being abused are even given the opportunity to see a dentist. This makes me passionate about having examination required in school systems to assist the abused children and give them help.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this article which talks about this topic which many times we forget about. I like how from the start you mention the problem then quickly went into saying what dentists could look for to detect it. I think it was really good for you to also mention the negative side effects from being abused since many kids who get abused hide it. I would have liked if you spurred a conversation on if dentists should be held accountable for seeing if kids are abused. I would have also liked if you talked about why kids are afraid to speak up on their abuse. I was most definitely impressed by this article since you did a great job telling me about this important topic.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this article which talks about this topic which many times we forget about. I like how from the start you mention the problem then quickly went into saying what dentists could look for to detect it. I think it was really good for you to also mention the negative side effects from being abused since many kids who get abused hide it. I would have liked if you spurred a conversation on if dentists should be held accountable for seeing if kids are abused. I would have also liked if you talked about why kids are afraid to speak up on their abuse. I was most definitely impressed by this article since you did a great job telling me about this important topic.

Anonymous said...

To start things off, I'd like to say that I really enjoyed how much detail and time you put into this review. Something that I thought you covered well was the different types of abuse children face and and how to look for signs of abuse. Another thing I thought you covered well is how to help someone who is being abused by a parent. The only thing I thought you could've improved on is your own personal opinion about the article. Although I did learn a lot from this article like how child abuse, can lead to seizures and blindness... I would've liked to hear your own opinion on child abuse.