Gross,. Sam USA Today,‘Nobody Trains for This’: Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins
for Traces of Victims.” Gannett Satellite Information Network, 15 Oct. 2017,
The article I read by Sam Gross “ Describes what they volunteer firefighters are doing to attempt to ID bodies of victims of the wildfires. Firefighters have to slowly and careful search houses with dogs who attempt to get a ‘hit’,” When one of the dogs “hit,” or indicated to its handler that it had picked up a scent, that dog would be rotated out and another would sweep the area again.” A hit is simply the dogs picking up the scent of human remains. “The fire here burned so hot and so fast, that … the crew was sifting for bone fragments — it’s unlikely they’d find anything more in a house that had burned as completely as this.” When the crew believes they have the location of human remains. A forensic anthropologist i called in to do a very in depth search of the small area to find any bone fragments. If bone is identified, the area is closed off and becomes the corner’s, then they begin trying to identify the victim.
This article addresses how deadly these fires can be, and how some people still decide and stay. This fire was so hot that all that was left was bone fragments, some people lost all their possessions if they decided to leave, but those who decided to stay lost everything, including their life.
I thought is article was very well written. Mr. Gross incorporated quotes to emphasis how deadly this fire was, as well as how hard it will be going forward to find and ID all the victims. He ended the article on a up note, saying that of the 1,600 people reported missing after the fire, only 74 remain. Over 1,500 have been found and returned to their family. Gross, Sam. “'Nobody Trains for This': Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins for Traces of Victims.”
Ayten El-Hennawy
Current Event 5
Gross,. Sam USA Today,‘Nobody Trains for This’: Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins for Traces of Victims.” Gannett Satellite Information Network, 15 Oct. 2017,
Spencer’s review of the article “Nobody Trains for This’: Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins for Traces of Victims.” was very interesting to read. I liked how spencer included quotes in his review to strengthen his argument and provide a direct source from the article. I also liked how he explains what happens when one of the dog “hits” in the beginning of his review so his readers wouldn't be confused. Lastly, I liked how in his last paragraph he stated the number of people who were reported missing after the fire and only 74 remained.
I think spencer's review could’ve improved if he went more in depth about what exactly happened in the fire. I also think it would’ve been better if he connected the topic more with our current society. I also think spencer should have re-read his review as there are some grammatical errors.
I think this review was very straightforward and well written. Many fires occur till this day and no one really knows what firefighters really go through and how they try to save people.
Zach Zucker
Gross,. Sam USA Today,‘Nobody Trains for This’: Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins
for Traces of Victims.” Gannett Satellite Information Network, 15 Oct. 2017,
From Spencer’s review of ‘Nobody Trains for This’ I felt that I was able to learn many new things that he explained. Spencer incited many great details in his review. For example, Spencer did a good job explaining the background of the story and kept the timeline throughout the review very clear. This made it easy for readers to understand his review. Secondly, Spencer added quotes from the article which gives the reader another incite about what others thought about the case. For example, Spencer used the quote ,” When one of the dogs “hit,” or indicated to its handler that it had picked up a scent, that dog would be rotated out and another would sweep the area again.”. Also, I thought Spencer did a good job on adding his own thoughts and opinions into the review rather than just straight facts.
Although, Spencer could add a few more ideas to his review to make it perfect. First, I think that Spencer should add more about the forensics part of the crime. Along with this, there are parts where Spencer can make his point more clear and concise through the review.
Overall, I think Spencer did a good job summarizing the article and adding his own thoughts and opinions. I found this review interesting and informative because I have never heard of this case and I am happy Spencer brought up this article for his review.
Scott McGrath
Current Event 5
Spencer Thomas reviewed and article about those who are currently sifting through the rubble in the California Wildfires for the remains of those lost. Spencer does a very good job explaining the main points of the article. He did a good job taking what was most interesting about the article and condensing it into a well formatted review. Another thing he did well was provide quotes. This is often overlooked, but it gives the reader a better perspective on what the author is trying to get at when you provide quotes from the original article. By seeing what an expert is saying, I grasp what the author is talking about much better. One more thing that Spencer does very well is explain his opinion. He clearly states what he thinks about the article and writes about what he liked best about the article.
However, despite these positives, there are some areas that need work. For instance, Spencer did not write much. A little more detail and an expanded opinion might aid the dexterity of this review. Also, there are many typos and spelling errors. A simple proof read would change this.
One thing that blew my mind was how many remains have been identified and returned to their families. Over 1,500 bodies have been located and returned out of the 1,600 reported missing. Overall, Spencer did a very good job reviewing this article.
Zixi Chen
Mr. Ippolito
27 October 2017
Current Event 6
Gross,. Sam USA Today,‘Nobody Trains for This’: Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins for Traces of Victims.” Gannett Satellite Information Network, 15 Oct. 2017,
In the Spencer Thomas’s review of the Article “‘Nobody Trains for This’: Crews Sift California Wildfire Ruins for Traces of Victims” by Sam Gress, the attempts by volunteer firefighters to ID bodies of the victims in the wildfire was described. One of the things that I liked most about Spencer’s article is that he used a lot of quotes from the original article. By doing this, he established credibility for his article. In addition, Spencer also included numerical data from the original article into his review. These numbers he used gave his readers more truthful and direct feelings from the accurate description of this event. Lastly, Spencer did a great job describing the deadly effects of the wildfire. He chose an article that describes an issue that is not mentioned frequently by the public and did an excellent job explaining and analyzing it.
Even though this review is very well written, there are some areas for possible improvements. For example, it would have been nice if Spencer included a brief description of the procedures taken by the volunteer firefighters in their investigation. This would connect the article to the application of knowledge of Forensic Science better. In addition to that, it would have been very nice if Spencer expressed his own opinion on the issue more.
I really enjoyed reading this article because I do not think about the danger of the nature very often. Also, the work of the people such as these volunteer firefighters are often ignored by the public. There should be more articles written about these people who work very hard to protect others.
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