Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine. Available at:
ic-abuse-and-sexual-assault [Accessed 29 Nov. 2017].
The article I read was from Forensic Magazine, and it discussed the use of radiology (x-rays) to identify victims of domestic violence. Because one in four women in the US is a victim of intimate partner violence, the doctors in the radiology department of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston were able to see certain injury patterns and decided to investigate. In a study led by Dr. Bharti Khurana it was discovered that certain types of injuries were characteristic of patients who experienced domestic abuse, such as fractures in the extremities (from defensive attempts) or in the face (which is an easy and common target). Another indication is when a person has repeatedly suffered the same injury, which is easy to identify because “old, healed fractures look distinct from acute fractures.” These consistent patterns make x-rays a useful tool for identifying and helping victims of abuse. The article also gave statistics about the subjects the study, which consisted of two groups. Of the 87 victims of intimate partner violence, 95% were female, 40% were African American, and the mean age was 34.7 years. Of the 35 sexual assault victims, the majority were also female and African American (91% and 46% respectively), and had fewer traumatic injuries. Victims of domestic abuse were also more likely to be homeless, while victims of sexual assault were more likely to suffer from drug abuse.
This is extremely relevant to the world today because domestic violence is a very common crime, and one that often goes unreported and unpunished, either because the victim is in denial about it, afraid to speak out, or unsure who to turn to. If doctors can identify signs that a patient might be injured as a result of abuse, they can provide the patient with resources to get help and possibly get out of a dangerous situation. It might also make prosecution in cases of abuse much easier, as this study (and probably further research) means that things like medical records of fractures can be used as evidence showing that someone has been the victim of abuse.
I thought that the article was really well written, and that it was very clear and easy to follow. It included a decent amount of quotes and statistics, but nothing too technical for the average person. It did use the word “radiology” quite frequently before mentioning x-rays, but this wouldn’t be too confusing to anyone unfamiliar with the term because the images of x-rays at the top should remove all doubt. Overall I thought it was a good and informative piece.
Alexander Rizzo
Forensic Science
November 28th, 2017
Current Event 9
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine. Available at:
ic-abuse-and-sexual-assault [Accessed 29 Nov. 2017].
In Pilar’s current event, Radiological Society of North America, Pilar did great in her current event was her ability to reiterate the article, her use of grammar, and her organization of the facts. Pilar did a good job making sure her current event analysis was not too long or too short. Sometimes people write too much and it makes the current event boring but Pilar did a good job summarizing and analyzing the article quickly but fully. Pilar also did a good job grammatically. Sometimes people write the current event too fast and make errors but there are no errors in Pilar's essay. Finally, Pilar did a good job including many facts in her current event effectively so that the reader could understand what he was talking about and grasp the context. I think some people lack factual evidence from the article which makes there current event less insightful.
Two areas for improvement in Pilar’s piece are in her introduction and in her ending. I think, first of all, that her conclusion and her introduction were very similar and repetitive. ALso, it is not always a good idea to start any sentence off with the word ‘because’, because of the fact that it lacks context. Also, her introduction could have been slightly shorter. I think her introduction had a little bit too much information.
I learned a lot from Pilar's current event, and I think Pilar did an effective job. I think Pilar fulfilled all of the tasks correctly. I also think that Pilar’s topic was interesting and insightful.
Liam Grealy
Mr. Ippolito
Current Event #9
November 29th, 2017
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine. Available at:
ic-abuse-and-sexual-assault [Accessed 29 Nov. 2017].
In this current event article, Pilar was able to accurately summarize the article, “Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault” This article was mostly about the use of x-rays to identify victims of domestic violence. Pilar did a good job touching upon the important point of this article by describing how most of the victims of domestic abuse were female. In addition to this, Pilar was able to talk about the relevance of this article, as domestic violence is a very common crime, and one that often goes unreported and unpunished. A last thing Pilar did well, was accurately criticize what the author could have done to make the article better. I agree with Pilar and saying that the article was a little bit confusing by not saying xray until near the end of the article.
Although Pilar did a good job addressing the main points, I think she could have gave more details in his summary. Another thing she could have done was improve the grammar and format of paper. One last thing that Pilar could have worked on was add additional information on the topic, although she did a good job summarizing it, I had to go back into the article to clear up any questions I had about the article.
One thing I was impressed with from reading this article and review is that most of the domestic abuse cases involved african american women.
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine.
Pilar’s review of “Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault” was a very interesting review. First of all, it really helped that she stated the exact place where this study took place and who were the people in charge. In addition, the fact that she had a lot of statistics in her review like that of the 87 victims of intimate partner violence, 95% were female, 40% were African American, and the mean age was 34.7 years, aided me in understanding this topic better and gave me some additional information about it. Finally, Pilar did a really good job in making this review quite thorough by putting in the types of injuries that are characteristic of patients who experienced domestic abuse.
Although this review was very interesting, one way it could have been made better is that Pilar could have gone back through the review and elaborated a bit more on who exactly this doctor is and what he specializes in so that the review was more sophisticated. By reading it over and adding a few sentences, she could have avoided this problem and made her review more thought out. Moreover, I would have added more information on the reasons behind the statistics she had in her review. By adding one or two sentences about that topic she could have made her review even more thorough.
Overall, this review was captivating and thought-provoking. I had never really had the time to read about this topic, so I was intrigued when I read Pilar’s review. Thus, learning about this was very enlightening and taught me many new things. Reading this review made me realize that medicine is advancing and the things they can do with it is quite amazing.
Kevin Formato
Mr. Ippolito
Current Event #9
December 3rd ,2017
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine. Available at:
ic-abuse-and-sexual-assault [Accessed 29 Nov. 2017].
In Pilar's current event review she did a great job of describing how one in four women in the US is a victim of intimate partner violence and how this crime goes unpunished a lot of the time. And Pilar does a great job describing the use of x-rays to identify victims of domestic violence. Then she gives statistics on how many of these victims are women and also african american but it anyone can be in a abusive relationship. She also brings forward the point that doctors and medical groups should make it easier for people to get out of these relationships. What I would add to the article I would've added more detail about the fornices of the article. Although there was a lot of good dental and facts about the paper I would've added more about the overall abuse and given less statics and more stories would've made it more real. But I thought overall it was a great piece and pilar did a good job of describing it.
Mairead Cain
Mr. Ippolito
December 6 2017
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine.
Pilar did a very nice job with her current event review on the article, “Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault” from the Forensic Magazine. I decided to review her report as I was curious as to how radiology could help in a case of domestic abuse and sexual assault. There are many good techniques she uses throughout the report. One example is how she provides several different statistics from the source material. Her focus on this factor of the original report is important as it gives readers an insight when concerning the source material information. Another aspect of Pilar’s writing that was done rather well was when she discussed the scientists leading the study. This input of expert opinion shows readers the validity of the research. Lastly, I appreciated how Pilar discussed the relevance of the prevention of sexual and domestic abuse. Her article of choice concerns an issue that is very prominent in the United States today.
Overall, Pilar’s report was extremely interesting and informative, however there are some details that she could tweak and add to make the current event report even that much better. I recommend that she explains how, exactly, the researchers involved in the project want to introduce their methods into society.It would have been beneficial for her to go into more detail about what the researchers are working towards and how they intend to integrate their methods into society. Also, she could have discussed how, exactly, the researchers involved in the project set up their materials.
Pilar’s report was very informative and I learned extensively about how radiology can be used to identify victims of sexual and domestic violence. Before reading the report, I had little knowledge about any methods being established to identify victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Countless people across the world are affected by domestic and sexual violence, and after reading Pilar’s report, I am happy to see that there are methods in the works to identify victims of this terrible violence.
Isabella Dibbini
Mr. Ippolito
6 December 2017
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine. Available at:
Pilar wrote an excellent review of the article “Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault,” from the Forensics Magazine. Pilar developed an accurate summary of this article. In addition, she incorporated a quote into her review to support her claim. For instance, she states “Another indication is when a person has repeatedly suffered the same injury, which is easy to identify because “old, healed fractures look distinct from acute fractures, ”” as she quotes the article, to further her reasoning. In addition, she includes statistics in her review, establishing her credibility. She states “Of the 87 victims of intimate partner violence, 95% were female, 40% were African American, and the mean age was 34.7 years. Of the 35 sexual assault victims, the majority were also female and African American (91% and 46% respectively), and had fewer traumatic injuries.”
Pilar wrote a very good review on this article, however, they are a few things in which should could improve. To start with, I wish Pilar incorporated more quotes from the article into her review. Also, if Pilar wanted to take her review to the next level, she could include outside research, which would also make her review more interesting.
By reading this article I expanded my knowledge on forensic science. Prior to reading this review, I was unaware of this topic. Overall, Pilar’s review is very good and shows a great understanding of this article.
YiFei Wu
Mr. Ippolito
Radiological Society of North America (2017). Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. [online] Forensic Magazine.
Pilar did an amazing job with her current event review on the article, “Radiology Offers Clues in Cases of Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault” from the Forensic Magazine. She has a great summary that make every reader clear about what was the original article talked about. "Victims of domestic abuse were also more likely to be homeless, while victims of sexual assault were more likely to suffer from drug abuse. This is extremely relevant to the world today because domestic violence is a very common crime, and one that often goes unreported and unpunished, either because the victim is in denial about it, afraid to speak out, or unsure who to turn to. " This quote she further developed her idea. Second, she brought a lot of statistics in her article which strengthened as well as clearly stated her main points. Third, she lead the scientists who did research and brought in the scientists words.
Overall Pilar did a really great job on her article. She can improve this article by adding more details about the research program as well as the research materials being used in this particular program.
This sexual abuse article can really relate us to our real life. We should be more aware and take a stand.
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