Sunday, February 8, 2009

Facebook Impostors

As everyone knows facebook is one of the most popular online friend communication web site. But recently impostors have been on a rise. People have been posing as other people in order not to just gain information but money. Bryan Rutberg's was a victim of this. on January 21st a  frightening alert appeared to his facebook. His status update stated "Bryan NEEDS HELP URGENTLY!!!" His online friends saw the message and came to his aid. Some posted  messages on his public profile "What's happening" "what do you need?". One friend, Beny Rubinstein, got a message saying that Rutberg had been robbed in London and needed money to get back to the United States. Therefore, Benny weird him 1,500 dollars. However, Beny was not sending Bryan money but the impostor.Facebook says it is taking measures to reduce impersonations. The popular site also offers these preventative tips for those who want to take the security of their online profile into their own hands:

• Be suspicious of anyone -- even friends -- who ask for money over the Internet. Verify their circumstances independently, either by calling them directly, or checking with mutual friends.

• Choose a strong password and use unique credentials for each of your Web accounts. Facebook says hackers tap into one site and then try to reuse passwords on others.

• Use an up-to-date browser that features an anti-phishing blacklist.

• Use and run anti-virus software on your computer.

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