Sunday, March 1, 2009

CSI Fact Catching Up With Fiction As Chemists Develop New Technology

The actual analysis of bloodstains and other evidence is not quite as fast as the analysis seen on televisions shows, such as CSI, but real life forensic analysis is speeding up. Researchers have been developing faster, more sensitive devices to help analyze forensic evidence. Some of the new tools that may soon be used include a highly sensitive method for the identification of different fabric dyes, which will help distinguish between many different types of fibers that may look similar. A hand held spectrometer is being developed that can detect explosives and illegal drug residues while investigators are at the scene. Although real life forensic analysis may not be as fast as on television, shows such as CSI have been very helpful, suggests the article, "Clues at the Scene of the Crime," as they have brought on a new appreciation for forensic science among college students.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading about how Television shows have influenced young college students to become interested in the wonderful world of Forensic Science. It is also interesting to hear how forensic science is becoming faster in terms of analyzing evidence. However, I do feel that the current event could have been a little longer and could have gone into a little more detail about the new tests in forensic science. In the end I thought that this current event not only caught my interest, but it also was very interesting to learn about how television influenced new technologies in forensic science.

Kelly said...

I find it very interesting the difference between the portrayal of blood testing in CSI and real-life forensic analysis. But, I feel it is necesary to speed up the process and to find new techniques to make analysis quicker and easier. It also shows we cannot always believe what we see on television. This article was very well-written, but was very shorten. It maybe could have been lenghtened by adding other examples or more analysis.

Michelle said...

it was intresting to know the difference btw csi blood testing and forensic analysis. tv and real life and different. what you see on tv isnt really done in real life. it was written good.

Matt said...

This is a very interesting, well written article. I enjoyed reading some about television and CSI. I was also very good to hear that theyhave been making advancements in ways to analyze forensic evidence. I found the hand held spectrometer that was developed to detect explosives and illigal drugs to be the most interesting part of the article.

recine said...

This was a very interesting article. it was interesting about the differences in blood testing and forensic analysis.

Emma said...

I think this was an excellent topic choice. A lot of us decided to take forensics because we were fascinated by forensics shows on television. Most of us were surprised to find out that procedures were not as fast and as easy as they appeared to be on television. Additionally, I think this article was well summarized. The simple language made it easier to understand. I like how the author include direct quotes.
To improve, maybe the author could have included more information and made her post a little longer. In addition, maybe the author could have added her opinion on the topic.
I didn't know that so many advances were being made in forensic technology.

Gabby said...

I thought that this was a good summary of the article, easy to understand, and a very interesting topic because many believe that what's on tv is similar to the truth. The post could've been a bit longer or had some more analysis but overall i thought that the topic was extremely fascinating because of how technology is improving and how interest in the field is increasing.

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a well written article. i like how television has influenced many people to go in to Forensics. You dont hear that everyday. i believe you could have add just a little more information to that article. but other than that very well written.

MCyganowski said...

I have always been interested in the relationship between television and real life forensics science. It was also interesting to hear how forensic science is becoming faster regarding the analyzing of evidence. The post may have been a little stronger if there was a little less focus on the television and emphasis on present day forensic science.

Trent Emanuel said...

It's good that this article shows how unaccurate CSI is, and how forensics actually works. Its interesting to know that technology is improving so that forensics is becoming as fast as on the show. The author should have went into more detail comparing the two shows and how reality is so much different. Overall, the article is well written and so is your summary.