Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Hand Bacteria Study Holds Promise for Forensics Identification

A new bacteria has been found useful in the Forensic Science community. This new bacteria found on both keyboards, mice, phones and other household items can help to identify an individual. This newly found bacteria left behind by our hands contains its own DNA which is not the same within two individuals. This method is also very unique to the crime scene investigation because usually when blood, semen, saliva are needed for DNA testing this new bacteria can help to identify a suspect through the bacteria left behind from skin cells. Although this technique has been proved very useful there are bioethical problems that have been faced due to legal standards on fingerprinting and DNA typing. While there are legal standards for fingerprinting and DNA there are no legal standards for using human-associated bacteria to identify an individual.


Leigh said...

One thing that I liked about Nat's article was that his review was very to the point. Also, this article is very on topic because we have been recently learning about how DNA is used to identify people. I also liked the fact that this article is unique in the sense that I haven't even heard of this concept before.
One thing that I didn't like about Nat's review was that it did not say what the bacteria was called. This led to the other thing that I didn't like about it which was one sentence that was hard to comprehend. The sentence had two different bacteria's mentioned and I was not sure whether they were the same or different.
As I said before, this concept is completely new to me so the entire article about the bacteria was something new that I learned.

Jdelarama24 said...

Nat did a good job of delivering very precise article review. The articles really hit close to home because of what we have been learning about in terms of DNA and its role in identifying people. THe idea introduced in this article were very new and innovative which i thought was a major plus in making th article readable and interesting. I did think the article could b more specific about the bacteria and what the do. Also determining one bacteria from another was not always easy with this article. Overall this article was very informative and a great read.

Robert said...

One part of this review that I found to be very well presented was how this bacterium can be found on any household item that a person’s hands touch. A phone, Keyboard etc. all can have this bacterium on them. A second aspect that I found very well presented was how it can be used with DNA from Semen and Saliva to get a better identification of a suspects since this bacteria has its own identifying characteristics which make no individuals bacteria the same. A third is the legal standards that face fingerprinting and DNA and how there are no legal regulations that can stop the use of a person’s bacteria.

One suggestion that I have is to possible state the name of the bacteria that is on the hand and how it is formed on the hand. Another suggestion is to explain what causes this bacterium to be so individualistic and so powerful when it comes to identification.

What impressed me most about this article was the fact that the bacteria on our hands can be used like DNA and Fingerprints. I always knew that everyone had bacteria on their hands but I did not know that it could be used to identify a person.

Brogan said...

Three things I Liked:
I liked how this new bacteria is found on many household items. Another thing I found interesting is that this article is unique in the sense that I haven't even heard of this concept before. The last thing I liked about this article was how it can be used with DNA from Semen and Saliva to get a better identification of a suspects since this bacteria has its own identifying characteristics which make no individuals bacteria the same.

Two Things I didnt like about this lab:
The first thing I didnt like about this article was that it didnt give the name of the bacteria. This left the whole story open-ended. The second thing I didnt like was how the article was how it talked about two different bacterias. This got really confusing and made it really hard to follow.

One Suggestion:
I would love if this article and the review showed how bacteria from hands can be used as DNA.

Travis said...

One thing I liked about this article is that it is very on topic because we have been recently learning about how DNA is used to identify people. Another part of this review that I found to be very well presented was how this bacterium can be found on any household item that a person’s hands touch. The last thing I liked about this article was how it can be used with DNA from Semen and Saliva to get a better identification of a suspects since this bacteria has its own identifying characteristics which make no individuals bacteria the same.
One thing that I didn't like about Nat's review was that it did not say what the bacteria was called. The second thing I didnt like was how the article was how it talked about two different bacterias. This got really confusing and made it really hard to follow.
What i really liked about this article was the fact that the bacteria on our hands can be used like DNA and Fingerprints. I always knew that everyone had bacteria on their hands but I did not know that it could be used to identify a person.

gabby wall said...

One part that i really liked about Nat's review of this article was that I found to be very straight forwards and well presented especially when discussing how this bacterium can be found on any household item around our own house. Another aspect that I found very interesting was how unique this article subject is I have never heard of this new concept, it intrigued me.
One small thing i didnt like about Nats article and review was that the name of the bacteria that is on the hands was not mentioned and how it is formed on the hand. A final suggestion is to explain what causes this bacterium to be so unique.
What impressed me most about Nat's article was the fact that the bacteria on our hands can be used like DNA and Fingerprints.This article was very interesting

Greg White said...

I thought this article was very interesting and Nat's review was very concise. I liked Nat's detail in his review about how bacterium can be transferred from someones hand onto anything around the house. I also liked how i gained a greater knowledge on how DNA from semen and saliva are used to better identify a person more accurately. I also liked how it described how the bacteria has its own identifying characteristics which can be used because it proves that no two individuals can have the same DNA.

One suggestion i had was to possibly explain how this bacterium is so individualistic and unlike any other. I was also confused as the article didn;t really specify between the two bacterias or state the names of them.

I learned how bacteria from one's touch can be uised much like how DNA is used to identify a person. This was a great article to read overall.

Meghan Bond said...

I found the article review, “New Hand Bacteria Study Holds Promise for Forensics Identification,” to be very interesting. One part of this review that I found to be very well presented was how this bacterium can be found on any household item that a person’s hands touch. Also, this article is very on topic because we have been recently learning about how DNA is used to identify people. The last thing I liked about this article was how it can be used with DNA from Semen and Saliva to get a better identification of a suspect since this bacterium has its own identifying characteristics, which make no individuals bacteria the same.
However, I do have several suggestions for the review. First of all, it did not say what the bacterium was called. Secondly, I really did not understand how this bacterium came to be so individualistic and powerful. Overall, I really enjoyed the article and never thought of using bacterium as a factor of identification.

Cassandra said...

What was particularly interesting about this article was that it provided evidence for another way for suspect identification that has to do with biological evidence but is not DNA. I found it fascinating that a person can be identified from a bacteria and that the bacteria is an individual characteristic and not one common bacteria. I also found it interesting that this bacteria is found on common things like computers, and other household items and that one small bacterium can be so detrimental to a case.
What I would have liked to have learned more about is what the legal procedures are in terms of identifying a person based on bacteria and how the bacteria is linked to DNA. I would also like to know more about where this bacteria comes from and how it is unique to individuals, and if evidence is being collected from for example, a keyboard, how the bacteria is collected but not the fingerprints.
One thing I didn’t know until reading this article was that bacteria was a means of personal identification, I’m very interested to find out more about this new discovery and how it can revolutionize forensics.

Brown said...

This is a fascinating discovery, the fact that this bacteria can be used with Dna from saliva and semen to get a better identification of a suspect due to the fact that it has it's own identifying characteristics, which, similar to fingerprints, are individualistic. I also liked this new bacteria can be found in many household items. I also found it interesting is that I have never heard of this before.

In this situation the name of the bacteria has to be mentioned, it is almost eccencial. The second disterbance that I found with this article was the lack of explaination and distinction between the two different bacterias mentioned, the two seemed to interlock and become confusing to the reader.

I would like to inquire more information about how the bacteria from our hands can be used to identify us similar to DNA and fingerprints.

theberneyman said...

One thing that I liked about Nat's article was that his review was very to the point. Also, this article is very on topic because we have been recently learning about how DNA is used to identify people. I also liked the fact that this article is unique in the sense that I haven't even heard of this concept before.
One suggestion that I have is to possible state the name of the bacteria that is on the hand and how it is formed on the hand. Another suggestion is to explain what causes this bacterium to be so individualistic and so powerful when it comes to identification.
What impressed me most about Nat's article was the fact that the bacteria on our hands can be used like DNA and Fingerprints.This article was very interesting