Friday, September 17, 2010

Engineers Pioneer New Digital Forensics Technology

Kevin Bisconti 9/16/10
Forensics current event

Engineers Pioneer New Digital Forensics Technology

At the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering researchers are working on creating a new type of digital fingerprinting system that would help to protect things from Hollywood assets and identify national security leaks. As the world becomes more digitized there is an increasing demand for security as the rate of cyber criminals grow. Teachers at the school are developing a new type of “cyber Forensics”. Not only does the new technology help protect but it will also help trace the criminals.

The way that this type of technology can help benefit society is that it brings a whole ne level of security to computers. Not only does it protect ones information form being hacked into but it will also help find the person behind the hacking. This could seriously help reduce the amount of online crimes like identity theft to national security.

I think that this was a well-written and interesting article. I thin that the topic was very interesting. I don’t think that there was anything that was wrong with the article it was a decent length and it got right to the point.


Devon said...

Kevin does a really good job explaining why this technology is being created. He clearly explains that it is to prevent criminals from stealing the online data. Another well-presented aspect of this review is how he took the article’s message and related it to society. It made the article more relatable. Also, the review provides a current, interesting topic which kept the article interesting.
A way the article could have been made better, would have been if he included a paragraph about why this new technology was created. Meaning, it would be useful if there was a chapter about 9/11 and how that incident pushed the importance of information sharing. I also think, if there were the professors and engineer’s names, it would have seems like a more valid review of the article.
I found this review very intriguing because not many people realize that what is on the internet, even private files, is easily found by anyone who knows how to go around the system blockings. Also, the idea of being able to see who is trying to get in contact with these files is very fascinating because the government will be able to catch more criminals.

xavier said...

Forensics Xavier Lessane
Blog September 19, 2010

Kevin Bisconti

This topic was very interesting, the current event got right to the point, it also showed what the main thing was about, and the last thing that was interesting was that he led each point to how it would help now. He showed in the first paragraph what his current event was about and what things it helped in he named important phrases like cyber forensics and he told what it was. He related his points to all to society and how it helped. He also did well on were the main scientist was from, another thing was that he showed how this would be easier to catch criminals.

Some things that he could of did better on was that there could be more details on some of the things he talked about and another was that he could of told why this technology was created and what it was made for. He also could of did better on by saying more scientist names that were included in creating this technology.

Charles Ippolito said...

Forensics Xavier Lessane
Blog September 19, 2010

Kevin Bisconti

This topic was very interesting, the current event got right to the point, it also showed what the main thing was about, and the last thing that was interesting was that he led each point to how it would help now. He showed in the first paragraph what his current event was about and what things it helped in he named important phrases like cyber forensics and he told what it was. He related his points to all to society and how it helped. He also did well on were the main scientist was from, another thing was that he showed how this would be easier to catch criminals.

Some things that he could of did better on was that there could be more details on some of the things he talked about and another was that he could of told why this technology was created and what it was made for. He also could of did better on by saying more scientist names that were included in creating this technology.

Kathleen Moriarty said...

Very cool! I was impressed by this article. Keep up the good work, Kevin - you may become a professional writer someday! However, I do have a slight criticism. For me, Kevin's style of writing was a little too terse (brief). Next time, he should include more examples and details of information relevant to the article. Other than that, I enjoyed reading this article and look forward to hearing more.

Jake Burns said...

Kevin talked very well about how the researchers are creating a new type of digital fingerprinting system. He also does a good job of mentioning that this new system would help to protect things from Hollywood assets and identify national security leaks. Also, he does a good job by saying that as our world becomes more digitalized we need to find new ways of protecting our security.

I thought that kevin’s summary could have been longer. He should have gone into more detail as into what the researchers are doing. Also he should have gone into the pros and cons of this new system. I learned about “cyber forensics” from reading this article.