Saturday, November 20, 2010


      For almost a decade Christine Mahoney and a team of scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have been working towards stopping the threat of terrorist-based attacks. They are doing this by creating a sound measurement and a standard infrastructure. One of the measurement techniques is called Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and it is proving to be critical in identifying the various components of explosives. This technique is mass spectrometric-based imaging that can detect components like binders, oils, and the explosives themselves. This is better than gas or liquid chromatography because it can provide a partial analysis of extracted samples. ToF-SIMS provides rapid identification of both organic and inorganic constituents. It is also well0suited for direct analysis of small explosive particles collected directly in the field and sent to the lab. Mahoney says that the laboratory technique is sensitive enough to detect bits of explosive material scattered in a fingerprint. The ultimate goal of this technology is to use it to create standardized reference samples.
     This article is important to today’s forensic world because it has provided a whole new technology for explosives. This technology is much faster and much more accurate in identifying explosives and their different components. Also once it is used to create reference samples it will make examining explosives much easier and faster.
     This was a very good and informational article. It presented a new break through in forensic technology very well. It could use an example or something like that but it was still a very good and important article.


Devon said...

Molly explains the sound measurement technique, Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, very well in an easy to follow fashion. Also, the way Molly relates this new technology to its importance today, is very securing in the sense that the government, with this technique, can reduce the number of terrorist attacks because it is so much faster and more accurate than before. Lastly, she does a very good job giving an overview of all the information presented in the article. She made sure she had all the main points from the article and addressed them very straightforwardly.
I would have liked to see a longer article. The one Molly read was only eight paragraphs while it should be fifteen. If the article was longer, the review would have been a little more informative and maybe would have presented more examples for Molly to elaborate on. It would have been nice if she were to include an example of how these techniques can not only benefit us in the speed and accuracy of detecting explosives, but of how these techniques can actually distinguish the difference between a commercial and military C4 from the U.S. from a C4 from the U.K.
The Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry impressed me the most, making this article the most interesting to read. To see how far along the world has come in technology is extraordinary and this technique shows how technology is very beneficial to us today.

Anonymous said...

Molly explained all of the measurement techniques very well and made it very easy to understand. Molly also described the importance of this dew development in technology in the world of forensics now a days. Finally, Molly gave a very nice summary of the information given in the article. She described all the main points to make the reader fully understand the meaning of this article.
I feel that the review could have given a little more information. It would have been a good idea to provide an example to show how this new technique benefits the world. I was little bit confused when she described in the review the commercial, military C4 from the US and the C4 from the UK, I think that this topic could have been elaborated on.
The Time- of – Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry is a new technique with explosives. I found it very interesting to see that technology has increased over the years. This new technique really benefits the world today.

Alexandra said...

Molly explained all of the measurement techniques very well and made it very easy to understand. Molly also described the importance of this dew development in technology in the world of forensics now a days. Finally, Molly gave a very nice summary of the information given in the article. She described all the main points to make the reader fully understand the meaning of this article.
I feel that the review could have given a little more information. It would have been a good idea to provide an example to show how this new technique benefits the world. I was little bit confused when she described in the review the commercial, military C4 from the US and the C4 from the UK, I think that this topic could have been elaborated on.
The Time- of – Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry is a new technique with explosives. I found it very interesting to see that technology has increased over the years. This new technique really benefits the world today.

kevin bisconti said...

I think that Molly did a great job summing up the article, also i found the original article to be very interesting. I like how she choose an article that relates science to National security. I think that Molly did a great job explaining the Time-of-flight secondary Ion mass spectrometry technique. Over all i think that molly did a great job with the review.

However it would have been nice to see a little more detail on how this could benefit us. Also if she went into more detail about how it can stop specific terrorist attacks.

I learned about the Time of Flight secondary ion mass spectrometer and how it help detects explosives this benefits our society a huge amount in the world that we live in today where terror threats are always around.

Ivan said...

Molly explained all of the measurement techniques very well and made it very easy to understand. Molly shows how this new technology is important to us in our every day lives by showing that the government can reduce the number of terrorist attacks faster than ever before. Molly made sure she had all the key points to the article and described them well.

I think this review should have had more information. Molly should had provided examples to show how this new technique could benefit a greater amount of people. She should had included an example of how these techniques benefit in the speed and accuracy of detecting explosives

To me the ToF-SIMS was most interesting in how its rapid identification of both organic and inorganic constituents is well suited for direct analysis of small explosive particles collected directly in the field.

Allison Sher said...

Allison Sher
I felt that this article was very specific on the review. The author did a good job on summarizing the overall message from the article. One aspect that stood out was the intellect show in the style of writing. The writer did a great job of grasping the concept and reiterating it in her own words. Also, another good bit in the execution, was the writer’s ability to stick to the actual subject and understand all the various extras mentioned in the article regardless of its level of scientific content.
However, although the review was extremely good, I would have had the writer elaborate on the various bits that were included in the article that were on a more scientific level. It was difficult to follow what exactly where the differences between the different methods and how this new method was more effective. I also found it harder to understand the actual purpose of the article and how they were trying to achieve their goal.
One thing I was impressed with was how forensic science is now a broader outlet for scientist to use as a way of helping the country with more things besides solving criminal activity after they have occurred, instead we can begin to use them to prevent criminal activity even more. I am surprised every time there is a new advancement in our modern technology.