Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Research Will Help ID Bodies Left Behind by Chilean Earthquake, Pinochet Regime

          Recently, new research from North Carolina State University determined that medical examiners and others will help to identify human remains of those killed during the recent earthquake in Chile. Dr. Ann Ross stated: “We have developed population-specific identification criteria for the Chilean population, which will help us determine the stature and biological sex of skeletal remains…” For the past ten years, forensic scientists have developed a population – specific identification criteria that account for different height, built and many other characteristics. This is important because populations can differ from different areas of the country and world. The researchers evaluated remains from a 20th century Chilean cemetery in order to accurately characterize Chilean skeletal features. They were then able to develop stature criteria that can help researchers arrive at an accurate height for an individual based on an analysis of his or her long bones, including the femur and tibia.

          This research affects humanity because now with this new sort of technology, identification of victims in other types of tragedies can be found earlier in the process and can even result in an earlier day for an autopsy.

          I thought that this article was an interesting article because the research according to the chart of different heights and other characteristics can help determine the identification of the victims in the Chilean earthquake.


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