Thursday, October 17, 2013

Forensics Class beginning their "Bones" Activity

     Today in the forensic science class, the students began their "hands on" investigation. In this exercise the students were divided into six investigative teams composed of four students. Each team had skeletal remains to identify.

     One team was given the task if identifying the geological characteristics of a site in which skeletal remains believed to be those of a "Viking" were found. This team also received casts of three maxilla (upper jaw) bones and had the task of identifying the race and sex of the artifacts

     The other five investigative teams has various part of the skeletal remains of an individual. Three of the teams received a skull, a full pelvis and sacrum, and two long bones (femur or tibia and a humerus). One team ("Viking" remains) had half a pelvis, skull, and a long bone.  The last team had only a pelvis and two long bones (humerus and femur). These teams, to the best of their ability are to take measurements and observations to determine the race, age, sex, and stature.

     When each team has completed their observations they will share out their findings with the class.

     A small footnote, this weekend is Homecoming Weekend, and today was "Uniform Reversal Day". On this day male athletes wear female team uniforms and visa versa, this explains some of the "diverse" wardrobe choices seen in some of these pictures.

Alex and an unseen team member are examining the mandible's articulation with the cranium.

Claire and Vivian were member of the "geological team." Here they are examining one of the maxilla samples they wer also given to identify.

Liam, James, Katie and her aide Emilie are examining the skull and humerus of their remains. My appologies Katie for only getting the top of her head in the bad :-(

Jesse is showing Joanna how he thinks the head of the femur of their skeletal remains would articulate with the pelvis.

Joanna, Francie, and an unidentifiable Rangers fan examine their skeletal remains.

Katie seems to be measuring the nasal area of her skeletal remains skull, while Emma records Katie's finding in their data tables.

Kristen is comparing her skull to the diagrams distributed as a resource, to ensure that she is accurately measuring the correct anatomical feature.

Matt and his team members are examining the gross features of their skeletal remains femur.

Patrick is using the large calipers to measure the overall length of their remains femur as Robert and Kristen look on.

Emma and Katie taking and recording skull measurements.

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