Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lower Hudson Valley Engineering EXPO

On Sunday, March 30, 2014, the Foundation for Engineering Education will present the eleventh annual Engineering EXPO, to educate regional high school and middle school students about engineering as a career. It will be held at White Plains High School, White Plains, NY (Westchester County), from 11 :00 AM to 4:00 PM. Last year's EXPO saw attendance of over 3,000 students, 40 colleges, and 50 engineering or technology based businesses and societies.

The goals of the annual Lower Hudson Valley Engineering Expo are as follows:

 1. Recruit grade 8-12 students interested in math and science and teach them about careers in engineering. We need to convey all options: Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical, Materials, etc., and perhaps we can attract them with interesting careers in some of the new and exotic fields like nanotechnology, biomedical engineering and aerospace. It is imperative that we recruit the best and the brightest into our profession.

2. Inform juniors and seniors about requirements for engineering degrees. Several colleges in the region with engineering programs will set up booths or tables with information about admission and curriculum.

3. Enlighten the students about careers in engineering. Most do not realize that 8 of the 10 highest paying Bachelor degrees are in engineering fields. Various firms and industries have volunteered to set up displays and be available for discussions with interested students. Some very exciting work goes on in our industry. There is much to be proud of.

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