Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Inside The Lives Of Synchronous Fireflies

 Lorelei Heath

Mr. Ippolito 

Biology - Current Event 2

October 1, 2020

“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,

Ever since we were kids, collecting fireflies at night was the best and fun activity to do on summer nights. In 2019 groups of hikers came to visit The Smoky Mountains National Park because of a species of fireflies that put on a spectacular light show. Scientists at first did not understand the cause of these synchronized lights, but then came to a hypothesis: “Rather than flash according to some innate rhythm, the fireflies seem to observe what their neighbors are doing, then adjust their behavior to match.” Scientists like Orit Peleg and Raphael Sarfati, believe these luminous insects are competing for human sources of light. However, the light show doesn’t last long. The species Photinus carolinus only flashes for about a span of two weeks in the month of June. Still today, scientists still don’t know the real explanation of how synchronization works. "Is it something hardwired in fireflies that makes them want to synchronize?" Sarfati said. "Or is it something more context-dependent, may be based on their environment?" With these questions, researchers knew they had to see it for themselves. 

When the researchers arrived at The Smoky Mountains National Park, they set up camp. They placed two 360-degree cameras in the wooded forest, “a new technological approach that allowed the team to map out the locations of the bugs flashing in their vicinity.” When they isolated one of the fireflies from the group, they found that the light pattern was completely different. However, when they put twenty together, the insects' lights became the same. That is when the researchers came up with this theory: “...their light displays seem to be more social. Bugs watch what their neighbors are doing and try to follow along.” The researchers found out that the fireflies act the same way the cells in our hearts do and the neurons in our brains, all synchronized. 

I, personally, was very surprised and intrigued by this reading. It was very insightful about the happenings of fireflies and the research behind the light show up in The Smoky Mountain National Park. However, I thought the author could have added more information about the data they collected along with the many theories and hypotheses they thought of. I also would have liked to see a comparison of a different species to see how different the photinus carolinus is. 


Anonymous said...

Sofia Flower
Mr. Ipp
CE 1

“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,
Unknown. “Inside the Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” Inside The Lives Of Synchronous Fireflies, 1 Jan. 1970,
In Loreli’s review, she explained the reason behind a Firefly’s light flash pattern and their neighbor’s influence on their own. Scientists conducted a series of experiments for the real explanation of how synchronization works which is still unsure. They conducted one experiment in particular Loreli spoke about which included “two 360-degree cameras in the wooded forest, “a new technological approach that allowed the team to map out the locations of the bugs flashing in their vicinity. When they isolated one of the fireflies from the group, they found that the light pattern was completely different. However, when they put twenty together, the insects' lights became the same. That is when the researchers came up with this theory: “...their light displays seem to be more social. “ (Heath) in the Smoky Mountains.
Overall, this review was very well written and interesting, but there are still some things Loreli could have done better with. For example, when she explained the experiment scientists conducted, citing a specific scientist or quoting them would have been a much more reliable piece of evidence about the experiment for the reader. She also could have compared other explorations and experiments upon this idea to the reader to give them more experiments to read and compare information to. This could have also been added after explaining the first.
Overall this review was very well written, informative and grxasped me in, as a reader. I chose this review to read because of my constant interest in nature, and insects. It changed my perspective of how I see fireflies and how what may just look like a flash of light to one, is a way of a light pattern to them.

Unknown said...

Brody Pearlman
“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,
Unknown. “Inside the Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” Inside The Lives Of Synchronous Fireflies, 1 Jan. 1970,
In Lorelei's review she is able to showcase the studies that Orit Peleg and Raphael Sarfati were able to complete by researching the light show patterns of fireflies. One thing that Lorelei did well was able to explain the pattern, by describing the social presence of fireflies copying each other leading to a synchronized pattern .their light displays seem to be more social. Bugs watch what their neighbors are doing and try to follow along". In addition, Lorelei did well on describing the set up that the researchers had such as the 360 camera They placed two 360-degree cameras in the wooded forest". In addition, the backround context of the unknown regarding synchronization was done very well, and helped showcase the importance of this study: "Still today, scientists still don’t know the real explanation of how synchronization works".
However, there was some room for improvement, with one being the lack of explanation for the comparison between the fireflies pattern and the neurons reference. This explained could further explain the fireflies actions to new readers. In addition she could have also further proof read, as in the same paragraph she addresses the researchers as hikers as well as the former, confusing myself on if they were supposed to be researching in the first place.
However, overall this article had a strong, curious impression on me as it showcased how nature works in mysterious ways. In addition it also showcased how one of many natures pattern's are used for socialization something that when I think of, such as Peacocks and other animals with patterns put a new perspective.

Unknown said...

Dashiell Kwan
Mr. Ippolito
Forensics - Current Event 1
Sep 16, 2021

“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,

This review has a strong opening, it is an effective introduction for the reader as it allows the reader to visualize and relate with the line “Ever since we were kids, collecting fireflies at night was the best and fun activity to do on summer nights.” I also think that the review does a good job summarizing the article in order, capturing the details like the species of the fireflies. It is almost written in the style of the scientific method, with background information, followed by a hypothesis, and then the experiment. The summary of the experiment, being that “they placed two 360-degree cameras in the wooded forest” in order to track the bugs’ activity, was easy to follow and did not use all quotes. The reviewer understood the article and was able to incorporate quotes from the article with their own descriptions.
While the review is well written, there is some room for improvement. In the second paragraph, the one that describes the actual procedure, the quotes and actions seem to come from “the researchers” or just “they.” I think it would have been better if each quote had been from a certain researcher, if they were cited in the original article. While I did like the comparison of synchronized fireflies to neurons, another comparison of other animal/bug behavior might have strengthened the review a bit more.
I thought that this review was very well written and it had an interesting article to cover. It was good to read to know how to write a proper review. I did not know very much about fireflies before, nor did I know about bugs being social, and copying their neighbors. It makes me think about how humans might be naturally programmed to follow the crowd even if they are not aware of it, like the fireflies were. I will be looking out for firefly light patterns in the future.

Anonymous said...

Phoebe Matthews
Mr. Ippolito

Current Event #1

“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,
In Loreli’s review, she explained the reason behind a Firefly’s light flash pattern and their neighbor’s influence on their own. Scientists conducted a series of experiments for the real explanation of how synchronization works which is still unsure. They conducted one experiment in particular Loreli spoke about which included “two 360-degree cameras in the wooded forest, “a new technological approach that allowed the team to map out the locations of the bugs flashing in their vicinity. When they isolated one of the fireflies from the group, they found that the light pattern was completely different. However, when they put twenty together, the insects' lights became the same. That is when the researchers came up with their theory based on the observation that the fireflies’ light displays seem to be more social in the Smoky Mountains.
To improve, I think that she could have used quotes and compared the article to information from other sources. For example, when she explained the experiment scientists conducted, citing a specific scientist or quoting them would have been a much more reliable piece of evidence about the experiment for the reader. She also could have compared other explorations and experiments similar to this idea to give them more experiments to read and compare information to. This could have also been added after explaining the first.
Overall this review was very well written, informative and grasped me in as a reader. I chose this review to read because of my constant interest in nature, and insects. It changed my perspective of how I see fireflies and how what may just look like a flash of light to one, is a way of a light pattern to them. Not many people know much about fireflies, so I thought that it was very interesting to read.

Unknown said...

Brody Pearlman
Mr. Ippolito

“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,

Throughout Lorelei’s review, she is able to showcase the reason for certain specifics of firefly that was able to complete a synchronous light show. As she explained in her review, scientists were completing synchronous research and how in groups of population it is easier to form. Lorelei spoke on the specific experiment in which they took multiple 360 degree cameras to get a full picture of the event. “They placed two 360-degree cameras in the wooded forest” This was important in my view to set the scene of the experiment and it was interesting to see the amount of technology used. Another positive factor of the review was the level of detail in the review of the experiment steps such as the isolation factor which was important for their success. Finally, a third positive view of the review was how the social analogy of the fireflies to the neurons in our brand made understanding this topic far easier, as more people would be able to relate to the reference.
However, there were a couple of things that could have been improved on. One aspect was the lack of background knowledge on the specifics of the previous attempts to observe this species and the result which would allow the reader to speculate for themselves. In addition I would have liked different opinions such as different research methods and scientists who may have been testing these species at a different location and see how the two patterns differed in any way.
Overall, this review was written well with myself now informed on this pattern in addition to learning some of the requirements for a seemingly simple experiment of observing fireflies. In addition, it gave me a new perception on how nature influences irregularities such as this one to occur, and will make myself more open to looking for those rare occurrences throughout the world.

Anonymous said...

“Inside the Secret Lives of Synchronous Fireflies.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 23 Sept. 2020,

In her current event, Lorelei demonstrated investigations by examining the light display patterns of fireflies, which Orit Peleg and Rapael Sarfati could carry out. One thing that Lorelei was successful in explaining the pattern was the social presence of fires that are synchronized with each other. They appear to be more gregarious with their light displays. Bugs monitor what their neighbors do and try to keep up "There was a mistake. Lorelei also described the set-up of the researchers like the 360 camera nicely. In the dense woodland they set 2 360 degree cameras. In addition, it was very good to look at the background to the unknown about the synchronization and to show the relevance of this study: "There is still no true explanation for the working of synchronization by scientists today." In addition, it was very good to look at the background to the unknown about the synchronization and to show the relevance of this study: "There is still no true explanation for the working of synchronization by scientists today."
However, some progress was possible, one being the absence of an explanation for comparing the firefly pattern with the neurons. This could explain to new readers the firefly actions. She could possibly have read other evidence, since she addresses both the researchers and the first in the same paragraph, which makes me confused when they are to research first.