Thursday, January 8, 2009

International Database Creation

Ireland up until now has been without a national DNA database. Recently, Irish politicials have been working to establish legistlation to form a national databse for the containment of DNA samples. Ireland is one of the few countries in the European Union (along with Italy, which failed to pass the legistlation) without the legistlation for establishing and maintaining a national DNA database.


Thomas said...

This is suprising that Ireland did not have a DNA database, especially in the year 2009. I like the succinctness of this article, it was to the point but not very descriptive, and was missing a lot of details. If it had described why Ireland did not have a database like this, or what steps the country is taking to establish this database. Overall this was an interesting topic, but not enough information

Sam Benner said...

Its interesting to hear that Ireland is without any type of DNA database. In such an advanced age especially. The article got the point it wanted across, but not in enough detail or description. It should have mentioned why they have not had a database built yet, and what they are doing to successfully accomplish their task. It needs to be much longer.