Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Video Enhancement of Facial Images

This article demonstrates and stresses the fact that facial images are crucial and some of the first key steps while solving a crime. Most of the time, facial images are caught on surveillance cameras, however, the images are not as nearly as clear as what they are hoped to be. Many problems often arise, such as the camera is not working properly, pointed at a bad angle, etc. Throughout the years, the advancement with video surveillance images and tools have become very useful for inspectors on a specific crime, generally robbery cases. Forensic artists can now view a film and try to produce a composite drawing that can potentially produce more leads on a case. Forensics artists can also see facial structures and replicate them on an easy pencil - drawn portrait of the suspect. Lighting and angle of a video camera are other aspects that can help or hinder in image capturing. A forensic artist can be an asset in recreating the facial image captured on videotape, as it is just one frame of a moving motion.
Some people may forget that the first drawing made by an artist are key to solving a crime. Such images can allow many important leads in a crime.

1 comment:

James Donner said...

I liked Megans article on video enchancement of facial images. I thought she did a good job summarizing it, without going into excessive detail. I thought everything she told us was very interesting but I wish she explained it better. Overall it was very good.