Catherine Faville
Current event 12
Hauser, Christine. “Jerry Brown Pardons Man Imprisoned for Decades for Murders He Didn’t Commit.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 23 Nov. 2017,®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection.®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection
After reading the article Jerry Brown Pardons Man Imprisoned for Decades for Murders He Didn’t Commit written by Christine Hauser discusses how a man served forty years in prison for the murder of a woman and her 4 year old son. However with new developments in the investigation, it was revealed that he was wrongly convicted. The now 70 year old was pardoned due to the new DNA tests conducted proving his innocence. As Mr. Coley goes free, the real murder is still undetermined.
This article really stood out to me considering these types of cases are recurring in society, It shows the importance and relevance forensic DNA analysis are in court cases, if looked at wrong a major ripple effect could take place in a innocent persons life. However there were some weaknesses within this article, if the author added more information as to how and why Mr. Coley was originally convicted of this crime, the author failed to answer this question. If this information was added it would have made the reader feel more for Mr. Coley, and would have helped get a better understanding of how exactly they convicted him.
Alexander Plaza
Forensics Comment
Hauser, Christine. “Jerry Brown Pardons Man Imprisoned for Decades for Murders He Didn’t Commit.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 23 Nov. 2017,®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection.
Catherine, I read your review of “Jerry Brown Pardons Man Imprisoned for Decades for Murders He Didn’t Commit” written by Christine Hauser and I thought that you did a good job. I thought that you did a nice job with your summary of the article. I was not confused about your topic. This is good for the readers since it creates a understanding of the subject matter for your review. Also, I like that your summary is brief. It does not bore the reader with useless information and you are able to move to the main point of your review faster. Finally, I like that you are looking to current events and connecting them to forensic science.
Although your article was good, there are some things that you could improve on. First, I would want more background information on how exactly the DNA evidence was conducted and allowed Mr.Coley to go free. It would be useful in understanding the article. Also, I think you could add more detail from the text as it would help us understand the review overall.
Overall, I enjoyed your review. It is interesting to see new developments in Forensic Science being applied to old cases to carry out justice.
Justin McCarthy
Mr. Ippolito
Forensics 12H
Current 15- Reviewing Catherine Favile’s Article
Due February 6th 2018
Hauser, Christine. “Jerry Brown Pardons Man Imprisoned for Decades for Murders He Didn’t Commit.” The New York Times, © 2017 The New York Times Company, 23 Nov.2017,®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0.
Upon reading Catherine Favile’s review review on New York Times article, “Jerry Brown Pardons Man Imprisoned for Decades for Murders He Didn’t Commit” by Christine Hauser was very thorough and thought provoking. Catherine gives a short detailed summary of what took place in the crime by inserting exactly what happened to the son Daniel and what was controversial about the sentencing as well as she ended her summary paragraph with a look into the legal system as a whole which served as a smooth transition for when she continues to discuss the legal system in her first paragraph. Another well aspect in her review article was how she clearly stated the message that she took away from the article thereby answering how it connects to her own personal life by challenging her own personal values. This is because even though the author reassures her audience that the specific mistake that led to Craig R. Coley being indicted can no longer get a person wrongly convicted because of modern forensic techniques, Catherine explains that she does not find this reassuring because to him there is always a way to avoid wrongly convicting someone. The last thing that I enjoyed was that her critique paragraph was well supported and thoughtful. She supports that the author made the article enticing to read from the start by providing the hook.
One area Catherine could improve on was her sentence structure. I believe if Catherine is able to do this she is able fix multiple minor misspelling words in her article throughout her work. This could be done better if Catherine could just reread her work once before she posts. Another factor which I think Catherine could improve on is perhaps bring in a couple more personal views. I believe this can happen if she is able to make her personal values more supported by further connecting them to current issues because her article was a little short and could have been stretched out better thence. By doing this Catherine I believe you add a better balance to your work and ultimately add more validity and perfactection to your article throughout your great writing.
However overall while there were some minor flaws in your writing, I really enjoyed your review. This is because you were able to achieve your theme by establishing the tone that you accomplished throughout your work. I really liked your article and thus the main factor which was to highlight the corrupt system which has been ignored by both the corrupt government officials and the corrupt government politicians in our country for too long and since innocent men like Brown are getting indicted for murder.
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