Griffin Garbarini
Mr. Ippolito
Current Event #15
MLA Citation:
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
The United States federal government is currently working very hard to stop the online illegal sale of opioids that are claiming the lives of so many. Leading the way is Jeff Session, the US Attorney General under President Donald Trump. The purpose of the “Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team,(is to) significantly expand the FBI’s efforts to tackle illegal drug trafficking online, especially on the dark web, where dealers are shielded through anonymous transactions.” The team is leading offensives against darknet websites AlphaPack and The Silk Road. The Silk Road has already been taken down by the government and is responsible for the sale of not only opioids, but human beings and massive weapons. The operation, which will be based out of Pittsburg, plans on taking down around 80% of all darknet websites that allow for the sale of opioids.
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions seriously hates drugs and is trying to wage war on so many of those online drug dealers from websites like the Silk Road and other. He believes what he is doing is going to make America a better place by taking down these dark web sites he will take all the opiates out of this country. It can be conceived that this task force will help the serious opiod problem in this country. Hopefully he can also increased border and customs security. It is seriously easy to get packages through customs and this is how lot of drugs are getting into this country. Jeff Sessions will hopefully save lives, and maybe could stop some people from losing their lives like a past classmate of ours.
The article is very interesting and informative. It does not have any supplemental information that is not necessary or related to the article. This contributes to the flow of the article and also allows for reader's who are not heavily involved in the forensics world to understand what is going on. However, I would have really liked to read some official government documents and statistics about the opioid import vs domestic consumption. It also would have been beneficial to have a video of Jeff Sessions explaining what is going on; this would improve the quality of this article. Overall many should read this article to become more informed of the opioid crisis in America and understand how the federal government is responding.
Griffin did an excellent job with his review but I think the parts that were the most particularly well represented was when he used quotes. Griffin started off with talking about the J-CODE project but instead of leaving it at just that and leaving the readers confused he added a quote that explained what it is. The quote he used not only explained what it is but also the purpose which is "The operation, which will be based out of Pittsburg, plans on taking down around 80% of all darknet websites that allow for the sale of opioids." this quote Griffin added really helped clear things up for me and I'm sure everyone else as well. Another part of the review that was successfully well represented was when he went on to talk about Jeff Sessions and his take on drugs. Adding that part made his review that much stronger, it really helped move the review along as well as letting us connect with U.S Attorney Jeff Sessions and see him as a human being and not just someone who works for our president. In addition to Jeff Sessions strong beliefs on drugs Griffin added his own saying "Hopefully he can also increased border and customs security." adding his own beliefs I think really made reading his review more interesting because you got to see what his thoughts were on the matter.
Although Griffins review was great it can still be improved. There were some words that he over repeated such as "seriously", he said "seriously" many times and it threw the flow of his review off. Some of his language and tone through out the review was a bit informal making it less attractive, he used the word "hate" when talking about Jeff Sessions opinions on drugs when instead he could've chose a more proper word or said something different that would've sounded more formal.
I'm impressed to know that Jeff Sesions is trying extremely hard to do something about this opioid epidemic showing his interest and care. Griffins review brought my attention this J-CODE project that is being carried out.
Zixi Chen
Mr. Ippolito
4 February 2018
Current Event 15
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
Griffin Garbarini’s review on the article “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” written by Laura French is very interesting. First, Griffin gave a detailed description of the opioid crisis in America and the government’s response to this crisis. By stating that the illegal use of opioids had taken the lives of many people, he informed the readers about the importance of government control over this situation. Griffin also did a good job in his introduction of Jeff Session, the US Attorney General under President Donald Trump, to the readers. He gave a well-rounded description of the goals of Jeff Session. Finally, Griffin used some quotes from the original article. By doing this, he established more credibility to his own review and provided more direct informations to his readers.
Even though this review was very well-written and interesting to read, there are two areas of possible improvements. For example, it would have been nice if Griffin provided more statistics and data to the readers about the situation. For example, he could show the number of people using opioids illegally and the number of people who have serious health problems or who have died from overdose. Also, it would have been very nice if he could relate this problem to what we have learned in our Forensics class.
This article’s content surprised me because I did not realize that illegal websites have created such a dangerous problem in the United States. I did not think that there would be websites which engage in “sale of not only opioids, but human beings and massive weapons”. I hope that the government can keep a close look on these life threatening activities, and the people to stay away from these websites and keep their information safe.
Hayley Berry
Mr. Ippolito
Current Event 15
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
For this current event I read Griffin Garbarini’s review for the article “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet”. I thought that Griffin did a great job really summarizing the article. He did not just summarize the beginning or the end, he really made the article interesting. I also like how he incorporated some of the statistics that were incorporated in the article. Another thing that I thought he did well on was how he informed us (the readers) about this growing problem that is sweeping across the world.
This article review was very well written but there are some things that I would change to make it all the better. One thing that I thought that he could have done was add just a little more analysis of the quote that he used in the first paragraph. Another thing that he could have done better is choosing what to connect the article to. I thought that what he chose was good but he could have connected it to something that we have learned in the class about drugs.
I thought that this article was very informing because it showed that Opioids in the United States and the World is such a huge problem that we need to get control of. I learned a lot from this article and I am glad that I could comment on this article review.
Martha Thomas
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
Griffin’s current events review was very nice. His summary and description of Jeff Session’s efforts to tackle the opioid crisis in the US was clear and interesting. Griffin made his report especially relevant when he mentioned the death of a recent graduate of Bronxville, who overdosed on an opioid. I agreed that the original article would have been better if it had included quotes and videos of Sessions.
Like the article, Griffin’s report would have been better if he included direct quotes. Griffin also could have provided details more relevant to forensic science, for example specific details about opioid drugs and the effects that these have on people.
I knew that the White House was committed to border control, but I did not realize they were especially focused on the opioid crisis. I would not expect Griffin to talk about this in his short report, but most opioid addictions are results of abusing prescription painkillers, not imported heroine. I disagree with the White House’s approach to tackling this devastating crisis, but I realize the magnitude and devastating effects of these drugs. Especially after the death of my former classmate. I learned a lot about government policy from this article.
Liam Grealy
Mr. Ippolito
Current Event #15
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
In this current event article, Griffin was able to accurately summarize the article, “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet” This article was mostly about how the threat of drug trafficking online and how the government is trying to put a stop to it. Griffin did a good job touching upon the important point of this article, describing how the FBI is expanding their fight on illegal drug trafficking online, especially on the dark web. In addition to this, Griffin was able to talk about the relevance of this article, in the era where everything can be done online, it leads to criminals also going digital. A last thing Griffin did well, was accurately criticize what the author could have done to make the article better. I agree with Griffin and saying that the article was too vague and he could have summed up the important points better and included more detail.
Although Griffin did a good job addressing the main points, I think he could have gave more details in his summary. Another thing Griffin could have done was improve his grammar and format of paper. One last thing that Griffin could have worked on was add additional information on the topic, although he did a good job summarizing it, I had to go back into the article to clear up any questions I had about the article.
One thing I was impressed with from reading this article and review was how much attention U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was giving the problem and it helped to restore some lost faith in the Government on the war vs crime.
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, Advantage Business Media, 31 Jan. 2018,
Griffin Garbarini’s review of the article, “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet” by Laura French has some very well written aspects about it. First off, the summary is concise and only contains the most interesting and important facts about the article. He may briefly explain what the Federal team is and what it does in one concise quote, but he does not go on to list unnecessary information such as which organizations within the government are combining to help fight the sale of Opioids on the darknet. However, the fact that one of the few things Garbarini mentions is the silk road, and how the government literally took down a website that partook in human trafficking, shows that he really focused on capturing the attention of the audience. A second strong point to Garbarini’s article was how he made many connections to modern society in his second paragraph. Not only did he refer to how this policy may save lives, but he mentioned that this is only one of many routes to getting to an opiate-free country. After all, knowledge of forensics simply allows the increase in the breadth of where law enforcement fight crime, so it doesn’t need to just be on the internet because it is the most “high tech”. Both the physical and online fight against drugs matter and are crucial in winning. A third well-written part of Garbarini’s review is that he clearly showed interest in the topic by stating at the end how he wants to read additional documents. This is well-written because it gets people thinking outside the classroom.
One aspect of his review that could be improved is that he could refer to forensics more when talking about his “impact” paragraph. Since this article is not very heavy on what the team actually does to solve crime or the science behind the internet warfare, Garbarini could have balanced this out by referring to how forensics is not just one science, but many sciences coming together to fight crime and that this is very relevant to forensics by creating the demand for computer scientists in the field. A second way for Garbarini to improve this article would be to use more examples to back his points on the last paragraph. Rather than just give a vague idea as to how to make the article more informative, he should say what makes the article uninformative and give a precise answer on how to fix it. For example, I think it is uninformative because it doesn’t explain the science behind fighting the darknet, and I would want to make it more relevant to forensics by adding in how the agency breaks the anonymity of these websites, as in what codes are used.
It was very surprising to me that drug overdose is the leading cause of death in adults under age 50. It would have to seem that this “war” on drugs isn’t working if it has been going on for so many years and yet this is still the case. It makes me wonder if there is an effective way for the justice system to win such a war.
Lucy Rizzo
February 7, 2017
Current Event 16
MLA Citation:
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
I read Griffin Garbarini’s review of the article “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Griffin did many things well in his article. He made his voice and opinion on the topic very present throughout the article which I found very unique since I have yet to see this done in other reviews. He seamlessly incorporated facts and key information from the article into his review without making it stiff. Finally I also really enjoyed how Griffin included the piece about how the Opioid epidemic has also affected our own town, bringing the topic very close to home, and further proving the point that this is a bigger issue than many think.
If Griffin were to improve any aspects of this article I would recommend including direct quotes from the article. I also missed information about how this epidemic is directly connected to the forensic field and what professionals are doing to aid in this crisis. He also could have added the URL to the article so I didn’t have to look it up. However the article was so well written that I don’t feel any of these improvements are completely necessary.
Overall I think that Griffin did an amazing job reviewing this article. I found the review incredibly enticing and I was intrigued that this epidemic has been pulled into the forensic field. I am excited to see what new information is brought to light about forensic involvement and see what government is going to do to stop the importation and exportation of the illegal drug.
Jack Baxter
Current event comment
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
Griffin’s current events review was very nice. His summary and description of Jeff Session’s efforts to tackle the opioid crisis in the US was clear and interesting. Griffin made his report especially relevant when he mentioned the death of a recent graduate of Bronxville, who overdosed on an opioid. I agreed that the original article would have been better if it had included quotes and videos of Sessions.
Like the article, Griffin’s report would have been better if he included direct quotes. Griffin also could have provided details more relevant to forensic science, for example specific details about opioid drugs and the effects that these have on people.
I knew that the White House was committed to border control, but I did not realize they were especially focused on the opioid crisis. I would not expect Griffin to talk about this in his short report, but most opioid addictions are results of abusing prescription painkillers, not imported heroine. I disagree with the White House’s approach to tackling this devastating crisis, but I realize the magnitude and devastating effects of these drugs. Especially after the death of my former classmate. I learned a lot about government policy from this article.
Griffin Gelinas
Current event 16
The article Griffin chose to review is one that is so pressing in our nation. It has to do with the abuse of opioids in our country. It is a drug that is taking so many lives in this nation that articles like these need to be written to reassure the American people that we are trying to get on top of this. These addictive pills cause a high that requires double the dosage to feel the effects and risks overdose extremely quickly. Griff talks about the FBI “Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team,(is to) significantly expand the FBI’s efforts to tackle illegal drug trafficking online, especially on the dark web, where dealers are shielded through anonymous transactions.”
These types of articles are so pressing. It has to do with our drug unit and how these pills and drugs can affect our bodies. The blood stream becomes to high with codeine when these pills are abuse. These aren’t pain pills after surgery, well they are, but when they are abused in that fashion it can be a death wish. Forensic class covers all the basics of these pills but I agree with Griffin’s stance completely.
Overall I would say that this review was great. With such a relavent topic in our nation I like how we are able to speak about these issues. I see commercials with Chris Christie all the time about how bad this problem is and how we need to get a handle on it. I hope this problem is solved through the FBI drug investigations because it’s terrible to see overdoses and kids throwing their lives away over these pills.
Damian Kaminski
Mr. Ippolito
Current Event 15
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
For this current event I read Griffin Garbarini’s review for the article “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet”. I thought that Griffin did a great job really summarizing the article. He did not just summarize the beginning or the end, he really made the article interesting. I also like how he incorporated some of the statistics that were incorporated in the article. Another thing that I thought he did well on was how he informed us (the readers) about this growing problem that is sweeping across the world.
This article review was very well written but there are some things that I would change to make it all the better. One thing that I thought that he could have done was add just a little more analysis of the quote that he used in the first paragraph. Another thing that he could have done better is choosing what to connect the article to. I thought that what he chose was good but he could have connected it to something that we have learned in the class about drugs.
I thought that this article was very informing because it showed that Opioids in the United States and the World is such a huge problem that we need to get control of. I learned a lot from this article and I am glad that I could comment on this article review.
Mairead Cain
Mr. Ippolito
12 February 2018
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
Griffin did a very nice job with his current event review on the article ““Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet,” by Laura French. I decided to review his report as the title was rather intriguing. There are many good techniques he uses throughout the report. One example is how he explains what exactly the Silk Road is. His focus on this factor of the original report is important as it gives crucial information for those who don’t understand the context of the original article. Another aspect of Griffin’s writing that was done rather well was when he explained the certain acronyms of the sroy. Lastly, I appreciated how Griffin discussed how the article is affecting the current federal government. This shows readers how important this article is in current events.
Overall, Griffin’s report was extremely interesting and informative, however there are some details that he could tweak and add to make the current event report even that much better. I recommend that he adds more quotes from the original report. It would have been beneficial for readers to be able to understand certain quotes. Also, he could have discussed his own specific opinions on the subject at hand.
Griffin’s report was very informative and I learned extensively about how a new federal team is targeting opioids. Before reading the report, I had little knowledge about the fact that the federal government has plans to target opioids. Countless people across the country could be soon affected by these developments. After reading Griffin’s report, I see now that this current event is extremely important to the ever developing world of science.
Kelsey Ravesloot
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
Griffin wrote a review on the article, “Session Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet”. I thought his review on this article was pretty well written. One thing I enjoyed about this article was the fact that his opinions were shown throughout the entire review. I also enjoyed the topic as a whole, which makes the reader more interested to read the review. Lastly, I enjoyed how Griffin explained, in detail, about how the FBI is expanding its efforts to end drug trafficking, rather than just stating it and moving on to the next important fact. This provides no only more background about this topic, but also more insight into what is happening.
Although I thought the review was well written, there is always room for improvement. One thing I wished to see more of was more quotes from the article. This brings in more direct facts from the article and can make the article easier for the reader to understand. Another thing that I wished he included more information about how this relates to not only our society, but forensics as a whole.
Overall, this article was well written and pretty interesting to read. I am definitely interested in reading more about this topic and to see what the government is going to do to stop the exportation of illegal drugs in more efficient ways.
Isabella Dibbini
Mr. Ippolito
28 January 2018
French, Laura. “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” Forensic Magazine, 31 Jan. 2018.
Griffin wrote an excellent review on the article: “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet.” To start with, Griffin developed an accurate summary of the article, including all of the main arguments. In addition, his review is detailed, making it very interesting. Lastly, he does a good job of supporting his ideas with quotes from the article. For example, he quotes “Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement (J-CODE) team,(is to) significantly expand the FBI’s efforts to tackle illegal drug trafficking online, especially on the dark web, where dealers are shielded through anonymous transactions.”
Overall, this review is extremely well written, however, there are a few small things that would make it even better. For instance, Griffin could incorporate more detail into his review to make his argument more compelling. Lastly, if he wanted to take his review to the next level, he could have obtained outside information and incorporated this into his article.
After reading Griffin’s review of the article “Sessions Announces New Federal Team Will Target Opioids on the Darknet,” I learned a lot of new information that I was previously unaware of. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this review and believe that Griffin did a great job.
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