Wednesday, March 7, 2018

New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy

Current Event 18

Mr. Ippolito

YiFei Wu


Augenstain, Seth. “New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy.” Forensic Magazine, 7 Mar. 2018,

New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy

In this article, the forensic scientists discussed about CT scan technology used in the forensic field in order to solve death cases easily. “The National Institute of Justice published a recent paper citing the use of computed tomography (CT) scans to speed up work amidst a staggering caseload of death in America—and to even catch postmortem details that may have gone unnoticed under the scalpel and microscope.” The benefit of the CT scan is that it is more clear and detailed than any other machines.  It can also help forensic scientists to analysis the cause of death or even investigate the suspect.
This technique in my opinion is benefiting the forensic field. In our life, there’s too many grey areas comes to the death case, a lot of cases couldn't solve by the investigators. We need more justice in the society. This CT scanner technique helped.

But the concerns about this technology is that when it came to poisoning and rare death case, how would the scientist analyze that. Now technology is all around us include in the forensic field.


Anonymous said...

Alexander Plaza
Forensics Comment

Augenstain, Seth. “New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy.” Forensic Magazine, 7 Mar. 2018,

YiFei, I read your review of “New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy” by Seth Augenstain and I thought that you did a good job. I thought that you did a decent job with making your summary of the article brief. I was not confused about your topic. This is good for the readers since it creates a understanding of the subject matter for your review. Also, I like that your summary is brief. It does not bore the reader with useless information and you are able to move to the main point of your review faster. Finally, I like the way you connect the contents of the article on the forefront of forensic science as we don’t often look at the new techniques forensic scientists are using.

Although your article was good, there are some things that you could improve on. First, I would want you to elaborate a bit more in your summary with some more quotes directly from experts on the issue if it would be possible. It would be useful in understanding the article. Also, I believe that you could polish the wording of the article a bit as it would be convenient to the reader.

Overall, I enjoyed your review. I am intrigued by this finding because we don’t talk about CT scans being used in autopsies.

Anonymous said...

Scott McGrath
Current Event 18

Augenstain, Seth. “New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy.” Forensic Magazine, 7 Mar. 2018,

This article titled “New Mexico Study of Strangulation Deaths Points to Value of CT Scans at Autopsy” reviewed by YiFei Wu, originally written by Seth Augenstain, is very well written. The article is about how CT scans can aid doctors in discovering the cause of death. They are able to catch details post mortem that would otherwise go unnoticed. This is very interesting and very important to the field of forensics science.

YiFei does a very good job writing this review. She does a very good pacing the article. No part ever felt out of place. Another thing she did very good was incorporate quotes. It makes the article easier to understand due to a first person perspective on it. Lastly, she does very good job explainging the article. Overall, it was a very good review.

Despite all these positives, there are a few flaws. She could do with adding more depth to the article. There are some details to add she can make it easier to understand. Another thing she could do is add a better conclusion. She could wrap it up better.

Overall, this review is very well written by YiFei Wu.