Damian Kaminski
March 19th
Current Event 19
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.March 19th
Current Event 19
In this article, Chris Asplen talks about DNA and how it has benefited the criminal justice system. Asplen explains how DNA is used to solve cold cases and help the Innocence Project; a project where they release wrongfully convicted people. He also goes into detail how human trafficking has gotten worse and that the process has become similar to that of booking a trip to “Disneyland”. Asplen explains that having DNA as a resource will help put a stop to trafficking because it gives the victims, a little encouragement and safety, to use their voice to stand up against their abusers. By supporting the victims, police have the chance to start to understand the patterns of the traffickers and possibly identify some of the criminals. Asplen hopes that somehow DNA will put and end to human trafficking and all injustice that has previously happened.
The information in this article really opened my eyes to the possibility that human trafficking could come to screeching halt if DNA could play a role in capturing the horrible criminals. “At a profit margin of $32 billion a year, second in magnitude only to trafficking of illegal drugs, as many as 27 million men, women, and children are victims of modern slavery”. From this quote, it is clear that human trafficking is a real problem, and somehow needs to stop. Young teenage girls are the target for human trafficking and this effect many of us, because we all know someone who is a young teen, and realizing that someone her age is going through this is horrifying.
Though I agree with much of what Chris Asplen is writing, I though some of the points that he was making were not connected to what I originally thought the article was going to be about, so it mislead me a little bit. But overall I really thought that Asplen made a compelling argument to why DNA could really put a dent in human trafficking.
Lucy Rizzo
March 21, 2018
Current Event 20
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
I read Damian Kaminski’s summary of the article “DNA and Human Trafficking” from Forensic magazine. I thought that Damian did a very good job summarizing his article. Damian did a good job including quotes with analysis. He also did a good job explaining confusing aspect of the article. Finally I thought he did a very good job including his own thoughts in the summary and including his opinion on the topic.
If I were to suggest areas of improvement for Damian to include in his summary, I would suggest that he included more quotes from the article. He could further analyze the context of the quotes and what he thought the author meant. I also think he could have included more of his opinion on the issue of Human Trafficking in this country. There are many stories and articles out there for him to gain more knowledge on the issue and this could have been included to further illuminate the summary.
I thought that the article Damian chose was very interesting and I went to the original article to read it myself. I learned a lot from Damian’s summary and thought it was very informative. I hope other classmates have the time to read his summary and further research this problem in our country.
Hayley Berry
Mr. Ippolito
March 22, 2018
Current Event 20
For this current event review I chose an article that Damian review called “DNA and Human Trafficking” that was written by Chris Asplen. When choosing the article that I wanted to comment on, I chose Damian's article because it really connected to Forensics and to our class and he did a great job choosing what to write about it. Another thing that I thought he did a good job on was giving some background to what the article was about. There was not to much detail but there was some. Lastly, another thing that I thought was good about the article review was how he put his personal opinion into the review. It was not to present but it was enough for us to know what he thought.
Although I thought that this article review was really good, there are some things that I would change if I could. One thing that he did was put a quote in the section that connects to life when I think he should have put it in the summary of the review. Another thing that I thought he could have done better was give a little more detail. There was definitely enough for us to get the picture of the article but if there was more I think it could have made the review a lot better.
This article review was very informing and I really enjoyed reading it. One thing that I learned from this review that really stuck in my head was that human trafficking is very present in today's world and it is targeting teenage girls. This whole problem could be changed and helped with DNA. This was overall a very well written review for the article and I thought that Damian did a great job.
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damian's review on "DNA and Human Trafficking" was nicely written. I thought him adding quotes right from the article he read made it that much stronger because it helped explain things clearer. When he would add comparisons such as saying human trafficking has become as easy as booking a trip to Disney I thought that was something very strong to say and made the readers really think and realize how grave this situation is. I liked how this article really does play into forensics unlike some other ones.
Although Damian wrote a nicely done review it could have been improved with better explanations and wording. I was a bit confused on how DNA can play such a big role in human trafficking, I thought this could have been better explained. There were a few typos and grammar mistakes that I think if were to be fixed could improve his review and make it clearer.
Overall Damian did a nice job and what really struck me from all of this was how much money is made from trafficking, it's second to how much money illegal drug trafficking businesses make.
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damian’s review of the article by Chris Asplen “DNA and Human Trafficking” was a very interesting review. First of all, it really helped that he stated a few different facts about this topic, even giving an example relating to Disney to help us better understand his topic. In addition, the fact that he had a lot of details, about why DNA will help us stop human trafficking stating that it gives the victims a little encouragement and safety, aided me in understanding this topic better and gave me some additional information about it. Finally, Damian did a really good job in making this review quite thorough by adding a quote from the article, regarding the statistics surrounding human trafficking.
Although this review was very interesting, one way it could have been made better is that Damian could have gone back through the review and elaborated a bit more on why is this article and subject important for the world, so that the review was more sophisticated. By reading it over and adding a few sentences, he could have avoided this problem and made his review more thought out. Moreover, there were a few typos in his review which could have easily been eliminated. By reading over his review he could have avoided this problem and had a better flow throughout it.
Overall, this review was captivating and thought-provoking. I had never heard about this new emerging use of DNA, so I was intrigued when I read Damian’s review. Thus, learning about this was very enlightening and taught me many new things. Reading this review made me realize that with the new forensics techniques that are being developed, even more people are being helped.
The current event I am reviewing today has to do with Chris Asplen and how he talks about DNA and how it has benefited the criminal justice system. Asplen explains how DNA is used to solve cold cases and help the Innocence Project; a project where they release wrongfully convicted people. He also goes into detail how human trafficking has gotten worse and that the process has become similar to that of booking a trip to “Disneyland”. These articles are important for our society as a whole to come together and represent what DNA has helped the criminal justice system.
I would say that maybe there could have been more connection to the main idea of the passage. I really like cases like these because they allow me to learn about the class more in depth. The information in this article really opened my eyes to the possibility that human trafficking could come to screeching halt if DNA could play a role in capturing the horrible criminals. It is so true that DNA especially now a days is so important to the criminal justice system.
Overall I would say this was a great review and summary. I agree with the points made and think DNA is indeed so important. When handling these types of cases and what not, it is important to analyze the facts. I think it was a great review and I look forward to more like this.
YiFei Wu
Current Event 20
Asplen, Chris. "DNA and Human Trafficking." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
This article’s title interested me. I wonder how DNA technology can actually relate to human trafficking. Damian did a really good job on summarizing this article. “Asplen explains that having DNA as a resource will help put a stop to trafficking because it gives the victims, a little encouragement and safety, to use their voice to stand up against their abusers. By supporting the victims, police have the chance to start to understand the patterns of the traffickers and possibly identify some of the criminals.”
This quote shows how well the summarize is. Damian also includes quotes from the original post which I appreciate a lot. Third, I really like the fact that he has his own unique opinion in his comment.
Areas of improvement: He can analyze all of this quotes from the original posts more. As well as connecting them to real life situation.
Overall, I think Damian did a really great job on his comment and this article let me know how important DNA technique can be relate to human trafficking. It also made us more concerned about ways to solve this problem.
This analysis of this article was done by Damian and the article goes into the possibilities of DNA aiding the police when it comes to fighting human trafficking. His analysis was very simply and clearly done and he did not go into the specific scientific processes which I thought was a good choice. Though it is important to understand the science behind DNA testing, I think it is more important to understand how it can be used and the social ramifications of it. This was a really good thing to focus on and he did it really well. He also included some information that was not specific to forensics, such as going into human trafficking and how big of a business it is. He could have just talked about cases where it has been important, but he instead focused on human trafficking and for example how it is a 32 billion dollar a year illegal business. This brought some attention to an issue that is not as widely understood as it ought to be. He also included some quotes, which made the analysis more effective.
There are a few things that he could have done better though. Right at the top of the analysis, he failed to include the hyperlink to the article and since that is required for us to include in our comments, this adds more work to the commenter. He also failed to include the title of the article itself, which made it difficult first to understand what he was going to be talking about. This was amplified by the fact that his first few sentences talk about the Innocence Project, which is not related to human trafficking. There are a few things like that which were misleading and ones that could be worked on in the future.
I thought that the fact that he went into human trafficking and talking about its effects was really significant. It is such a business that is underground and deeply hidden from the public eye, so it is important that we gain some understanding of the horrible things that are happening around the world and how something like forensics can be used to combat this.
Anton Ribka
Current Event 20
Asplen, Chris. "DNA and Human Trafficking." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damian's summary of the article informed me about an epidemic I previously had little Knowledge of... Human trafficking.
This summary gave me a new look on how forensic technology may shape the future, Damian panted a vivid picture with meticulous detail. Damian also great quotes and text from the original article. He did however focus much on the Article summarizing the reader and that was a bit lengthy and unneeded in order to introduce the article, in this case he could have added a little bit of opinion on the issue he felt important to introduce.
Overall, this was a stellar review on an extremely interesting article It made awareness for an Issue that has since been less prevalent and very underground.
Anton Ribka
Current Event 20
Asplen, Chris. "DNA and Human Trafficking." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damian's summary of the article informed me about an epidemic I previously had little Knowledge of... Human trafficking.
This summary gave me a new look on how forensic technology may shape the future, Damian panted a vivid picture with meticulous detail. Damian also great quotes and text from the original article. He did however focus much on the Article summarizing the reader and that was a bit lengthy and unneeded in order to introduce the article, in this case he could have added a little bit of opinion on the issue he felt important to introduce.
Overall, this was a stellar review on an extremely interesting article It made awareness for an Issue that has since been less prevalent and very underground.
Timmy McGrath
Bronxville School
Forensics Current Event 20
Asplen, Chris. "DNA and Human Trafficking." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
I read Damian Kaminski’s summary of the article “DNA and Human Trafficking”. I thought that he did a great job summarizing the article. He did a great job giving some background on the topic it really helped the reader to understand what was happening. Lastly Damian used some great Quotes. He was able to enfuse the writers thoughts in his review to help better his review.
I think that Damian could have given a little more detail. I think that by doing that it would have helped further the image that the reader had already established. I think he could have also included more of his opinion into the article.
I found that Damians review was very informative and I think that this is definitely a topic that I would like to further research.
Gordon Hoffman
Mr. Ippolito
Forensics Current Event 20
Asplen, Chris. "DNA and Human Trafficking." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Overall I thought Damian’s review of the article "DNA and Human Trafficking” Was very well written. I thought that he used quotes really well and overall they helped his review I also thought that he summarized the article well which made it easy to follow what he was talking about. I also really liked his inclusion of background information as that added to his review ad along with his good summary made his review easy to follow. Although Damian used his quotes well he could have analyzed them some more as that would have made them more meaningful. It also would have been nice if he had included his opinion on the article and how this affects our daily lives as it’s a big deal that his is happening. Overall I liked Damian’s review and I learned something human trafficking than I hadn’t before.
Hana Eddib 3/28/18
Forensics current event 20
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damiens review of his article was very well written. He did a very good job of providing enough details in his summary so that we could understand the article. I also appreciated that he included a quote in his article to help give us a direct point of view. I appreciated that he explained how passionate he was about putting a stop to human trafficking which was really relatable for me.
Even though Damien did a great job, there were two areas in which he could improve. The first being the way he spaced his article. It isn’t that big of a deal but since he didn’t separate his review into paragraphs, it made it difficult to follow. I also wish Damien would’ve included a suggestion on how human trafficking could start using DNA as a source. He explained how large of a help it would be but didn’t explain how we could make it happen.
Overall Damien did a really good job and I was shocked to hear the potential DNA evidence could have on human trafficking and that we have yet to really exploit its use.
Jack Harwood 3/26/18
Asplen, Chris. "DNA and Human Trafficking." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damian Kaminskis’ review on the article “DNA and Human Trafficking” by Chris Asplen is very interesting to read. Damian did a great job summarizing the story and providing lots of background details on utilizing graphics and technology. He also supplied the reader with very informative details and specific statistics. Lastly, I felt that you did a great job at explaining why it is relevant in modern society by explaining what forensic scientists could do wrong.
I believe your review could have been significantly better if your writing flowed better. It was slightly choppy and it felt like you were just listing facts. However, that being said, it allowed me to remember and understand your review more clearly. Also, I would have like to see more quotes from the author. It validates your points and with ethos, it makes your review more credible.
Overall I thought that Damian did a great job with the article and this was a very interesting read. This article let me know how important DNA technique can be relate to human trafficking. It also made us more concerned about ways to solve this problem.
Isabella Dibbini
Mr. Ippolito
5 April 2018
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
Damian wrote a great review on the article “Forensic Magazine” by Chris Asplen. He developed an accurate summary of this article and included all of its main ideas. In addition, his review is detailed, making it very interesting. Lastly, he does a good job of elaborating on his arguments. He backs up his statements with evidence from the article, making his arguments more compelling. For instance, he states “At a profit margin of $32 billion a year, second in magnitude only to trafficking of illegal drugs, as many as 27 million men, women, and children are victims of modern slavery”
Overall, this review is very well written, however, there are a few small things that would make it even better. For instance, Damian could include more quotes from the article, which would help him further elaborate on his findings. Also, if he wanted to take his review to the next level, he could have obtained outside information and incorporated this into his article.
After reading Damian’s review of the article “Forensic Magazine” by Chris Asplen, I learned a lot of new information that I was previously unaware of. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this review and believe that Damian did a great job.
Justin McCarthy
Mr. Ippolito
Forensics 12H
Current Event 21 Reviewing Damian Kaminski
Due April 12th 2018
Asplen, Chris. "Forensic Magazine." Forensic Magazine., 28 Aug. 2013. Web.
For this current event review I chose an article that Damian review called “DNA and Human Trafficking” that was written by Chris Asplen. I chose Damian's article because it really connected to Forensics because he did a very great job choosing what to write about it. I thought that he did a great job summarizing the article because he had very relevant information. A first factor that I liked was that he did a great job giving background on the topic as it really helped the reader to understand what was happening within Chris Asplen article. This is important because it helps the reader understand the background and the conflict that is around the article. A second factor which I thought he did a good job on was giving some background to what the article was about. There was not to much detail but the ones that he did provide detail on was very effective apart on his behalf to providing depth. The third factor which I thought was good about the article review was how he put his personal opinion into the review. It was not to present but it was enough for us to know what he thought.
Although I thought that this article review was really good, there are some things that I would change in the future. The first thing that he should have included more quotes. I believe this is important because it gives your article depth. A second factor that I thought he could have done better was give a little more detail regarding the main conflict that is presented in the article. I think that Damian could have given a little more detail as well to tie up loose ends in the review which could help mold his writing style within the near future. I think that by doing that it would have helped further the image that the reader had already established. I think he could have also included more of his opinion into the article which he brushed but not go deep into.
This article review was very informing and I really enjoyed reading it. One thing that I learned from this review that really stuck in my brain was that human trafficking is very present in today's world and it is targeting young women. This whole problem could be changed and helped with DNA Technology. This was overall a well written current event and I thought that Damian did a great job. I chose this article because after I read what Damian wrote I was instantly hooked with his work. I like the source where he got his article from Forensics Magazine.com. I thought Damian did a very great job on his article and has a gift when it comes to writing.
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