Friday, November 12, 2021

Bones in the Backyard: How Police Cracked a Grisly Cold Case


Chris Kelty

Mr Ippolito

Forensics / D Even

November 9th, 2021


Link :


Summary Paragraph           

This article is about a recent murer that was solved and it was from about 50 years ago in 1976 in Queens, New York. A man went to the barber one day in 1976 in Queens and never came back. People didn’t know where he went or what happened to him, but two years ago, a woman came forward to the police and said that in 1976, when she was a ten year old, she had seen her mother’s boyfriend burying a body in their backyard behind the barbershop. THe police dug up the dismembered remains of the man. Two years later, using ancestry sites, the DNA was traced to some of the man’s family members, and they found his identity. They also found who killed him, and it was one of the barbershop workers who knew that the man traveled with loads of cash on his person at all times.


Relevance Paragraph

            The relevance of this article is the use of new DNA tracing technology to help solve crimes. DNA tracing is such a crazy thing to think about and it was able to take the DNA of someone who had been dead fifty years and trace it back to his relatives in 2021. This is crazy stuff and it proves how newer and newer inventions and findings in the world of forensics can continue to make it easier to solve crimes.


Critique Paragraph

            One thing the author could have done better is explain how exactly the DNA was traced. I wonder if they got the DNA from the hair, bones, or some sort of flesh-like substance off of his dismembered body. It would be interesting to take a closer look at how the CSI people apprehend information from a body that old. Otherwise, the author did a great job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While reading this article, there were three aspects that were well presented. One of them was using ancestry sites, the DNA was traced to some of the man’s family members, and they found his identity. They also found who killed him, and it was one of the barbershop workers who knew that the man traveled with loads of cash on his person at all times. This aspect clears up what the article is about. Also another aspect well presented was about how the relevance of this article is the use of new DNA tracing technology to help solve crimes. This aspect shows how DNA tracing technology is being used in forensic science to solve cases. The last aspect well presented is that DNA tracing is such a crazy thing to think about and it was able to take the DNA of someone who had been dead fifty years and trace it back to his relatives in 2021. This aspect is going to show the reporter's opinion on the matter.
Although this is a good review, there are some areas of improvement that can be critiqued. 1 being about the background of the case, and going further into depth about the details of this case. Another area of improvement could be providing other cases that used DNA tracing to solve them and how it is important. Other than that, this article reviewed well.
I basically learned about how DNA tracing is used in forensic science, and plays a crucial role because it can be the deciding factor of a case. I can use this information in my life because if I am ever put in a situation like that, I can always turn to DNA tracing to solve it.