Monday, November 1, 2021

DNA DOE Project Helps Id John Wayne Gacy Victim


Lily Jebejian


Current Event #6


Taylor, Michelle. “DNA DOE Project Helps Id John Wayne Gacy Victim.” Forensic®, Forensics Magazine, 27 Oct. 2021,  


            In the article “DNA DOE Project Helps Id John Wayne Gacy Victim”, the victim of a cold case was identified using new genalogical research. The victim was twenty-two year old Francis Wayne Alexander. He was murdered by serial killer John Wayne Gacy in 1976. The body was discovered forty-four years ago along with twenty-five other victims. New genalogical research allowed for the identification of the bodies. This information allows for closure for the victims’ families. 

            Elizabeth did a good job reviewing the article, but there were some aspects she could improve on. The first is she didn’t explain what the new technology was, just the results. I think elaborating further on the actual technology would have really emphasized the advancement. I also think her selection of quotes could have been better. The quotes she used repeated a lot of the information already stated so I think a variety of quotes would have given the article more depth.

This article was very interesting and remarkable. It is incredible how the use of technology can provide answers so many years later. Also the ability to give the families closure is very important. Overall this article and review was interesting to read.


Diya said...

This review starts off with an introduction of the article and then goes on to summarize the case. The summary included several details, such as the names of the killer and the victim, as well as the timeline of the cold case. All of these details were essential in order to understand how important the geneology aspect of the case was. The author of this review did a good job of talking about the role geneology had in the solving of the case (it was used for the identification of bodies). Finally, the author did a good job of explaining why it was still important for the case to be solved- even if it was years later. She talked about how by using geneology, the vicitims families were able to get closure.
Something that this author could have done better was including information about the actual science of the case. She mentioned the word genealogy several times, but never explained about what it actually was. Another thing this author could have improved on was explaining more details about the actual murder, instead of only giving details about the case.
This review really showed me the importance of closure. Even if a case isn’t solved for years, it doesn’t mean that it’s a complete dead end. New technology creates new possibilities and can provide closure for the families of murder victims.

Anonymous said...

This review starts off with an introduction of the article and then goes on to summarize the case. The summary included several details, such as the names of the killer and the victim, as well as the timeline of the cold case. All of these details were essential in order to understand how important the geneology aspect of the case was. The author of this review did a good job of talking about the role geneology had in the solving of the case (it was used for the identification of bodies). Finally, the author did a good job of explaining why it was still important for the case to be solved- even if it was years later. She talked about how by using geneology, the vicitims families were able to get closure.
Something that this author could have done better was including information about the actual science of the case. She mentioned the word genealogy several times, but never explained about what it actually was. Another thing this author could have improved on was explaining more details about the actual murder, instead of only giving details about the case.
This review really showed me the importance of closure. Even if a case isn’t solved for years, it doesn’t mean that it’s a complete dead end. New technology creates new possibilities and can provide closure for the families of murder victims.

Unknown said...

Brody Pearlman
Current Event #6
Taylor, Michelle. “DNA DOE Project Helps Id John Wayne Gacy Victim.” Forensic®, Forensics Magazine, 27 Oct. 2021,
One thing that Lily did well was describing how the body was found by providing a backstory on the cold cases of the serial killer. This allows the reader to realize that without this research, the serial killer would have not been linked to the killing. Another thing that she did well was the usage of criticizing the article, by explaining the lack of technology explanation limiting her review. Finally, she had a good conclusion that entwined the importance of the breakthroughs in technology and how it will affect other lives in a positive way.

One thing that Lily could have improved upon was to go into more detail about the specific case, rather than simply state that he was killed. This would have allowed the case to be showcased as a specific example of technology outbreaks. Furthermore, I wished she included a quote from the author Michelle Taylor to showcase her findings and lily’s reaction to this quote.
Overall this review helped me learn more about how deaths can be linked long past killing to help discover the actual terms of death. Furthermore, it will change my perception of how technology can be used to further forensic science by knowing further how serial killers can be caught well past their killings, bringing justice to victims