Monday, February 24, 2020

How Jeff Bezos’ iPhone X Was Hacked

Frenkel, Sheera. “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Jan. 2020,

On the afternoon of May 1, 2018, Jeff Bezos received a message on WhatsApp from an account belonging to Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.Mr. Bezos has been on a singular quest to find out who penetrated the device since early 2019, when he said The National Enquirer’s parent company had threatened to release private photographs and texts, and the forensic study was part of that effort. Those pictures and messages showed Mr. Bezos, who was married at the time, with another woman, Lauren Sanchez. The analysis did not connect the hack to The Enquirer. The hack also exposed how popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp have vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. In October, WhatsApp sued the NSO Group in federal court, claiming that NSA's spy technology was used on its service to target journalists and human rights activists. WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, has patched the flaw that the malware used.
This instance is pretty impactful because it emphasises the negatives of technology and how easy it is for humans to interfere with others via tech.  In addition, it gives insight to how forensic science is very involved in technology. Often times people are now using their faces and or their fingerprints to enter their devices.  Meaning every time they enter the print is sent to a certain place. Fingerprint scanning and face scanning match dna from your face and finger. It is very important that you are careful with this information. 
This article's strengths are the clear connections to our very developing society.  However, I would have been more interested in the actual science of how his face was intercepted.  That was the main weakness. To improve I would just amplify the technical aspect of the case. Overall it was a great read! 


Unknown said...

Sophia Prior
Current Event
Feb 25, 2020

Frenkel, Sheera. “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Jan. 2020,

After reading Jimmy’s article I think he had a really strong and concise summary paragraph. In addition, he had an amazing use of statistics about WhatsApp and forensic investigation involving technology. His topic of research was very important because technology is continuing to develop and grow and there are many new ways for criminals to communicate. I think what Jimmy could have worked on was more quote integrations into his piece to add more supportive evidence. Also, I think he could have added some more of his own opinion into the review. From Jimmy’s article review, I learned more about the use of technology in the forensic world and what an impact it has made and continues to make.

Unknown said...

Masha Popovic
Current Event 16
Feb 24, 2020

Frenkel, Sheera. “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Jan. 2020,

Reading Jimmy's article was a delight because it was such an interesting topic. It discuss how Jeff Bezos had hacked through his iphone. The overall message was that popular messaging platforms, such as the one he had used, have their vulnerabilities that attackers can use to their advantage. I believe Jimmy did a great job at summarizing the article because it was concise and easy to follow. I also believe that he did an excellent job at including specific names and origination titles, making his report quite clear. Lastly, I enjoyed his second paragraph reflecting on what he believes was impactul about the article he read.

Jimmy could have, however, added a couple of quotes. It's always helpful to refer back to the passage to understand certain perspectives a bit more clearly. I also thought his final paragraph could have included some more suggestions for revision or explained how he felt about it in more detail.

Overall, Jimmy did a great job with this current event and I look forward to more of his writing in the future.

Unknown said...

Charlotte Cagliostro
C Odd / Current Event 16

Frenkel, Sheera. “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Jan. 2020,

Jimmy wrote a great review of Sheera Frenkel’s NY Times article, “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” There were three aspects of his piece that I particularly enjoyed. First, I liked Jimmy’s summary of the original article. He did a nice job explaining the main ideas in a clear yet quite informative way. Second, I enjoyed Jimmy’s writing style. He wrote in such a fashion that my interest was maintained throughout the piece, which I appreciate as a reader. Third, Jimmy did a very good job speaking to the relevance of the original article in his second paragraph. There, he provides great insight into the dangers of technology in our rapidly evolving world

However, there were two aspects of Jimmy’s review that I think need work. First, Jimmy’s critique of the article seemed quite rushed. He spent only a few sentences analyzing the author’s work, and I think he could have definitely spoken more about Frenkel’s mistakes. Second, I think that Jimmy should have included some quotes from the original article in his introductory paragraph because I think it would have made his piece more rich and legitimate.

I had not heard about this situation involving Jeff Bezos and his iPhone X, so I learned a great deal about it through reading Jimmy’s piece. I found it almost comical to learn that someone so smart and well-connected in this world had his iPhone hacked. However, it does make me worry a bit about the future of cyber security in an age where society is growing increasingly reliant and dependent on technology.

Unknown said...

Frenkel, Sheera. “How Jeff Bezos' iPhone X Was Hacked.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 22 Jan. 2020,

Jimmy’s review of “How Jeff Bezos’ iPhone X was Hacked” by Sheera Frenkel published in The New York Times was well-written and very informative. To start, Jimmy did a very good job of providing context and summarizing the article and what happened with Mr. Bezos’ iPhone. This allows the reader to gain a better understanding of what happened that allowed Mr. Bezos to be hacked and what followed. In addition, Jimmy also did a good job of outlining the importance of security when it comes to our mobile devices. Jimmy correctly mentions that the world of technology is constantly changing and growing and with that security becomes more important. Lastly, Jimmy also maintained a good writing style and structure throughout his review that kept the reader engaged. Reading the piece never felt slow or boring which all readers can appreciate.

While Jimmy did a good job summarizing the article and the contents discussed there were a few things he could have done to make his review better. First, I think Jimmy could have integrated some quotes from the original article in his review. This could have acted as supporting evidence to the claims he made throughout the piece. Additionally, the review could have benefited from more of his own opinion. Jimmy does a great job summarizing the article however, I think more of his own opinion and more explanation as to how this impacts the world of forensic science would make his review even better.

Overall, I found this article and review to be engaging and informative. I had briefly heard about this case back when it happened a few years ago but after it initially died down I never heard about it again so it was interesting to read more about what happened. The biggest takeaway for me was that cybersecurity is increasingly more important, more important than we had thought, as the world of technology grows and expands.

Unknown said...

Olivia Martin
Mr. Ippolito D Odd
March 23, 2020
Current Event #19

Frenkel, Sheera. “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” The New York Times, The New York
Times, 22 Jan. 2020,

Jimmy’s review of the New York Times Article, “How Jeff Bezos' IPhone X Was Hacked.” by Sheera Frenkel was very informative and entertaining. Firstly, Jimmy wrote a good summary. It was concise but still contained important details. Additionally, I liked that Jimmy included the actions that WhatsApp took after being hacked. It was an extra detail, but it was beneficial to learn that WhatsApp patched the flaw that the malware used. Finally, I thought Jimmy did a great job identifying the relevance of the article. He went into depth about how easy it is for humans to interfere with other people’s technology.
Although there were many things Jimmy did well in his review, there were a few things he could improve upon. Firstly, Jimmy could have incorporated more information about Jeff Bezos’s situation. He explained a bit about how his IPhone was hacked, but he could have included more detail. Additionally, Jimmy could have integrated a quote. It could have improved his article by adding a reliable source’s point of view.
I learned about some of the downsides of technology and how easily it can be hacked. I chose to read Jimmy’s review as I had seen the article before but had yet to read it. I now have a better understanding about how our increasing reliance on technology creates new ways for our technology to be hacked.