Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Forensics anthropologists have created life size images of George Washington


Forensics anthropologists have created life size images of George Washington resembling what he would really look like in person. They are doing this by processing images of Washington with mathbased computer software and 3D laser scans. Forensics pathologist Jeffrey H. Schwartz at the University of Pittsburgh has stressed the importance to do as much reconstruction of the older Washington as possible so that he can apply general rules of aging and then reversing the sequence to show a younger George Washington. Pathologists say that Washington was a lot stronger than he is depicted as being, the Executive director of the Historic Mount Vernon in Mount Vernon, Virginia James C. Rees says that if they can show Washington as the strong adventurous man he was, kids would be more willing to learn about our first president.


Michelle said...

What I found interesting about this current event was that anthropologists are using a computer software with a 3D laser to create a life size image of G. Washington and what he would really look like in person. But what got me was when James C. Rees said that kids would be more willing to learn about our first president if they can show kids how strong he was. I’m not really sure how kids would be more interested if Washington was stronger than what was stated about him.

James Donner said...

I liked how Oliver summarized the article well and concisely.It was interesting to discover how strong George Washington really was, I had no idea! Olivers post could have been longer but it was full of amazing information about our first president and about how anthropologists can use lasers and computer software to create a life size image of George Washington.

Anonymous said...

In Oliver's review, he particularly did a good job at choosing an interesting topic. In addition, Oliver's review revealed the rapid and complex technical advances being made in the field of forensic sciences. It is truly amazing that that by using computers and lasers, scientists can now recreate detailed models of human beings that have been dead for a long time. The review could have went into a little more detail though and could have better explained how this finding will better forensic science. Overall, i learned that the advancement of technology continues to evolve further advancing forensic science.

Austin said...

This was a very well summarized article. It is very interesting how they were able to determain how stong George Washington was. I was unaware of this and I agree that if children knew this about him they would be much more interested and find it much easier to look at him as a role model.

Austin said...

This was a very well summarized article. It is very interesting how they were able to determain how stong George Washington was. I was unaware of this and I agree that if children knew this about him they would be much more interested and find it much easier to look at him as a role model.